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Command line interface commands

Top level options:

--install-completion [bash|zsh|fish|powershell|pwsh]

Install completion for the specified shell. [default: None]

--show-completion [bash|zsh|fish|powershell|pwsh]

Show completion for the specified shell, to copy it or customize the installation. [default: None]


Interact with the application database.


The db downgrade command will downgrade the database to the previous revision or to the optionally specified revision.


revision - Rev id to upgrade to [default: -1]


The db heads command shows the Alembic database heads.


The db history command lists Alembic revision history in chronological order.


--verbose - Verbose output --current - Indicate current revision


The db init command initialises an empty migrations environment. This command will throw an exception when it detects conflicting files and directories.


The db merge command merges database revisions.


revisions - Add the revision you would like to merge to this command [default: None]


--message TEXT - The revision message


The db migrate-domain-models command creates a revision based on the difference between domain models in the source code and those that are defined in the database.


message - Migration name [default: None] [required]


--test | --no-test - Optional boolean if you don't want to generate a migration file [default: no-test] --inputs - stringified dict to prefill inputs [default: {}] --updates - stringified dict to map updates instead of using inputs [default: {}]

The python db migrate-domain-model CLI command is used to automatically generate the data migrations that you'll need when you add or change a Domain Model. It will inspect your DB and the existing domain models, analyse the differences and it will generate an Alembic data migration in the correct folder.


  • detect a new Domain Model attribute / resource type
  • detect a renamed Domain Model attribute / resource type
  • detect a removed Domain Model attribute / resource type
  • detect a new Domain Model
  • detect a removed Domain Model
  • ability to ask for human input when needed

Below in the documentation these features are discussed in more detail.



  • message: Message/description of the generated migration.
  • --test: Optional boolean if you don't want to generate a migration file.
  • --inputs: stringified dict to prefill inputs. The inputs and updates argument is mostly used for testing, prefilling the given inputs, here examples:
    • new product: inputs = { "new_product_name": { "description": "add description", "product_type": "add_type", "tag": "add_tag" }}
    • new product fixed input: inputs = { "new_product_name": { "new_fixed_input_name": "value" }}
    • new product block: inputs = { "new_product_block_name": { "description": "add description", "tag": "add_tag" } }
    • new resource type: inputs = { "new_resource_type_name": { "description": "add description", "value": "add default value", "new_product_block_name": "add default value for block" }}
      • new_product_block_name prop inserts value specifically for that block.
      • value prop is inserted as default for all existing instances it is added to.
  • --updates: stringified dict to prefill inputs.
    • renaming a fixed input:
      • updates = { "fixed_inputs": { "product_name": { "old_fixed_input_name": "new_fixed_input_name" } } }
    • renaming a resource type to a new resource type:
      • inputs = { "new_resource_type_name": { "description": "add description" }}
      • updates = { "resource_types": { "old_resource_type_name": "new_resource_type_name" } }
    • renaming a resource type to existing resource type: updates = { "resource_types": { "old_resource_type_name": "new_resource_type_name" } }


You need products in the SUBSCRIPTION_MODEL_REGISTRY, for this example I will use these models (taken out of example-orchestrator):

  • UserGroup Block:

    from orchestrator.domain.base import SubscriptionModel, ProductBlockModel
    from orchestrator.types import SubscriptionLifecycle
    class UserGroupBlockInactive(
        group_name: str | None = None
        group_id: int | None = None
    class UserGroupBlockProvisioning(
        UserGroupBlockInactive, lifecycle=[SubscriptionLifecycle.PROVISIONING]
        group_name: str
        group_id: int | None = None
    class UserGroupBlock(
        UserGroupBlockProvisioning, lifecycle=[SubscriptionLifecycle.ACTIVE]
        group_name: str
        group_id: int

  • UserGroup Product:

    from orchestrator.domain.base import SubscriptionModel
    from orchestrator.types import SubscriptionLifecycle
    from products.product_blocks.user_group import (
    class UserGroupInactive(
        SubscriptionModel, is_base=True, lifecycle=[SubscriptionLifecycle.INITIAL]
        settings: UserGroupBlockInactive
    class UserGroupProvisioning(
        UserGroupInactive, lifecycle=[SubscriptionLifecycle.PROVISIONING]
        settings: UserGroupBlockProvisioning
    class UserGroup(UserGroupProvisioning, lifecycle=[SubscriptionLifecycle.ACTIVE]):
        settings: UserGroupBlock

  • User Block:

    from orchestrator.domain.base import ProductBlockModel
    from orchestrator.types import SubscriptionLifecycle
    from products.product_blocks.user_group import (
    class UserBlockInactive(
        group: UserGroupBlockInactive
        username: str | None = None
        age: int | None = None
        user_id: int | None = None
    class UserBlockProvisioning(
        UserBlockInactive, lifecycle=[SubscriptionLifecycle.PROVISIONING]
        group: UserGroupBlockProvisioning
        username: str
        age: int | None = None
        user_id: int | None = None
    class UserBlock(UserBlockProvisioning, lifecycle=[SubscriptionLifecycle.ACTIVE]):
        group: UserGroupBlock
        username: str
        age: int | None = None
        user_id: int

  • User Product:

    from orchestrator.domain.base import SubscriptionModel
    from orchestrator.types import SubscriptionLifecycle, strEnum
    from products.product_blocks.user import (
    class Affiliation(strEnum):
        internal = "internal"
        external = "external"
    class UserInactive(SubscriptionModel, is_base=True):
        affiliation: Affiliation
        settings: UserBlockInactive
    class UserProvisioning(UserInactive, lifecycle=[SubscriptionLifecycle.PROVISIONING]):
        affiliation: Affiliation
        settings: UserBlockProvisioning
    class User(UserProvisioning, lifecycle=[SubscriptionLifecycle.ACTIVE]):
        affiliation: Affiliation
        settings: UserBlock


    from orchestrator.domain import SUBSCRIPTION_MODEL_REGISTRY
    from products.product_types.user import User
    from products.product_types.user_group import UserGroup
    # Register models to actual definitions for deserialization purposes
            "User group": UserGroup,
            "User internal": User,
            "User external": User,

Running the command:

  • only with a message

    python db migrate-domain-models "message"

  • Running it as test

    python db migrate-domain-models "message" --test

  • Running the command with inputs prefilled

    python db migrate-domain-models "message" --inputs "{ "" }"

The command will first go through all products and map the differences with the database. debug log example:

2022-10-27 11:45:10 [debug] ProductTable blocks diff [orchestrator.domain.base] fixed_inputs_in_db=set() fixed_inputs_model=set() missing_fixed_inputs_in_db=set() missing_fixed_inputs_in_model=set() missing_product_blocks_in_db=set() missing_product_blocks_in_model=set() product_block_db=User group product_blocks_in_db={'UserGroupBlock'} product_blocks_in_model={'UserGroupBlock'}

You will be prompted with inputs when updates are found.

  • rename of resource type input (renaming age to user_age in User Block). Only works when the resource type is renamed in all Blocks:

    Update resource types
    Do you wish to rename resource type age to user_age? [y/N]:

  • rename of fixed input (renaming affiliation to affiliationing in User Product):

    Update fixed inputs
    Do you wish to rename fixed input affiliation to affiliationing for product User internal? [y/N]:

  • update of resource type per block (renaming age to user_age in User Block and not chosing to rename resource type). The input will loop until skipped or when there are no options anymore:

    • first you get to choose which old resource type to update, skip will create/delete all resource types. > Update block resource types
      Which resource type would you want to update in UserBlock Block?
      1) age
      q) skip
    • then you get to choose which new resource type to update with, skip will give you the first question again.
      Which resource type should update age?
      1) user_age
      q) skip
    • with 1 and 1, the log level difference would look like:
      2023-02-08 14:11:25 [info] update_block_resource_types [orchestrator.cli.migrate_domain_models] update_block_resource_types={'UserBlock': {'age': 'user_age'}}

It will log the differences on info level:

2022-10-27 11:45:10 [info] create_products                   [orchestrator.cli.migrate_domain_models] create_products={'User group': <class 'products.product_types.user_group.UserGroup'>, 'User internal': <class 'products.product_types.user.User'>, 'User external': <class 'products.product_types.user.User'>}
2022-10-27 11:45:10 [info] delete_products                   [orchestrator.cli.migrate_domain_models] delete_products=set()
2022-10-27 11:45:10 [info] create_product_fixed_inputs       [orchestrator.cli.migrate_domain_models] create_product_fixed_inputs={'affiliation': {'User external', 'User internal'}}
2022-10-27 11:45:10 [info] update_product_fixed_inputs       [orchestrator.cli.migrate_domain_models] update_product_fixed_inputs={}
2022-10-27 11:45:10 [info] delete_product_fixed_inputs       [orchestrator.cli.migrate_domain_models] delete_product_fixed_inputs={}
2022-10-27 11:45:10 [info] create_product_to_block_relations [orchestrator.cli.migrate_domain_models] create_product_to_block_relations={'UserGroupBlock': {'User group'}, 'UserBlock': {'User external', 'User internal'}}
2022-10-27 11:45:10 [info] delete_product_to_block_relations [orchestrator.cli.migrate_domain_models] delete_product_to_block_relations={}
2022-10-27 11:45:10 [info] create_resource_types             [orchestrator.cli.migrate_domain_models] create_resource_types={'username', 'age', 'group_name', 'user_id', 'group_id'}
2022-10-27 11:45:10 [info] rename_resource_types             [orchestrator.cli.migrate_domain_models] rename_resource_types={}
2022-10-27 11:45:10 [info] delete_resource_types             [orchestrator.cli.migrate_domain_models] delete_resource_types=set()
2022-10-27 11:45:10 [info] create_resource_type_relations    [orchestrator.cli.migrate_domain_models] create_resource_type_relations={'group_name': {'UserGroupBlock'}, 'group_id': {'UserGroupBlock'}, 'username': {'UserBlock'}, 'age': {'UserBlock'}, 'user_id': {'UserBlock'}}
2022-10-27 11:45:10 [info] delete_resource_type_relations    [orchestrator.cli.migrate_domain_models] delete_resource_type_relations={}
2022-10-27 11:45:10 [info] create_product_blocks             [orchestrator.cli.migrate_domain_models] create_blocks={'UserGroupBlock': <class 'products.product_blocks.user_group.UserGroupBlock'>, 'UserBlock': <class 'products.product_blocks.user.UserBlock'>}
2022-10-27 11:45:10 [info] delete_product_blocks             [orchestrator.cli.migrate_domain_models] delete_blocks=set()
2022-10-27 11:45:10 [info] create_product_block_relations    [orchestrator.cli.migrate_domain_models] create_product_block_relations={'UserGroupBlock': {'UserBlock'}}
2022-10-27 11:45:10 [info] delete_product_block_relations    [orchestrator.cli.migrate_domain_models] delete_product_block_relations={}

You will be asked to confirm the actions in order to continue:

WARNING: Deleting products will also delete its subscriptions.
Confirm the above actions [y/N]:

After confirming, it will start generating the SQL, logging the SQL on debug level and prompt the user for new resources:

  • new product example:

    Create new products
    Product: UserGroup User group
    Supply the production description: User group product
    Supply the product tag: GROUP

    2022-10-27 11:45:10 [debug] generated SQL [orchestrator.cli.domain_gen_helpers.helpers] sql_string=INSERT INTO products (name, description, product_type, tag, status) VALUES ('User group', 'User group product', 'UserGroup', 'GROUP', 'active') RETURNING products.product_id

  • new fixed input (the type isn't checked, so typing an incorrect value will insert in db):

    Create fixed inputs
    Supply fixed input value for product User internal and fixed input affiliation: internal
    Supply fixed input value for product User external and fixed input affiliation: external

    2022-10-27 11:45:10 [debug] generated SQL [orchestrator.cli.domain_gen_helpers.helpers] sql_string=INSERT INTO fixed_inputs (name, value, product_id) VALUES ('affiliation', 'internal', (SELECT products.product_id FROM products WHERE IN ('User internal'))), ('affiliation', 'external', (SELECT products.product_id FROM products WHERE IN ('User external')))

  • new product block:

    Create product blocks
    Product block: UserGroupBlock
    Supply the product block description: User group settings
    Supply the product block tag: UGS

    2022-10-27 11:45:10 [debug] generated SQL [orchestrator.cli.domain_gen_helpers.helpers] sql_string=`#!sql INSERT INTO product_blocks (name, description, tag, status) VALUES ('UserGroupBlock', 'User group settings', 'UGS', 'active') RETURNING product_blocks.product_block_id`

  • new resource type:

    Create resource types
    Supply description for new resource type group_name: Unique name of user group

    2022-10-27 11:45:10 [debug] generated SQL [orchestrator.cli.domain_gen_helpers.helpers] sql_string=INSERT INTO resource_types (resource_type, description) VALUES ('group_name', 'Unique name of user group') RETURNING resource_types.resource_type_id

  • default value for resource type per product block (necessary for adding a default value to existing instances):

    Create subscription instance values
    Supply default subscription instance value for resource type group_name and product block UserGroupBlock: group

    2022-10-27 11:45:10 [debug] generated SQL [orchestrator.cli.domain_gen_helpers.resource_type_helpers] sql_string=
                    WITH subscription_instance_ids AS (
                        SELECT subscription_instances.subscription_instance_id
                        FROM   subscription_instances
                        WHERE  subscription_instances.product_block_id IN (
                            SELECT product_blocks.product_block_id
                            FROM   product_blocks
                            WHERE = 'UserGroupBlock'
                    INSERT INTO
                        subscription_instance_values (subscription_instance_id, resource_type_id, value)
                    FROM resource_types
                    CROSS JOIN subscription_instance_ids
                    WHERE resource_types.resource_type = 'group_name'

Last part generates the migration with the generated SQL:

Generating migration file
2022-10-27 11:45:10 [info] Version Locations [orchestrator.cli.database] locations=/home/tjeerddie/projects_surf/example-orchestrator/migrations/versions/schema /home/tjeerddie/projects_surf/example-orchestrator/.venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/orchestrator/migrations/versions/schema
  Generating /home/tjeerddie/projects_surf/example-orchestrator/migrations/versions/schema/ ...  done
Migration generated. Don't forget to create a database backup before migrating!

If you are running with --test, the SQL file will not be generated.


The db migrate-workflows command creates a migration file based on the difference between de worfklows code and the workflows that are registered in the database.


message - Migration name [default: None] [required]


--test | --no-test - Optional boolean if you don't want to generate a migration file [default: no-test]


The db revision command creates a new Alembic revision file.


--message - The revision message [default: None] --version-path - Specify specific path from config for version file [default: None] --autogenerate | --no-autogenerate - Detect schema changes and add migrations [default: no-autogenerate] --head - Determine the head you need to add your migration to. [default: None]


The db upgrade command will upgrade the database to the specified revision


revision - Rev id to upgrade to [default: none]


Generate products, workflows and other artifacts.

Products can be described in a YAML configuration file which makes it easy to generate product and product block domain models, and skeleton workflows and unit tests. Note that this is a one time thing, the generate commands do not support updating existing products, product-blocks, workflows and migrations, in this case have a look at the db migrate-domain-models and db migrate-workflows commands. But it does however help in defining new products with stakeholders, will generate code that conforms to current workfloworchestrator coding BCP, and will actually run (although limited in functionality of course).

After describing a new product in a configuration file, the following commands are typically run:

python generate product-blocks
python generate products
python generate workflows
python generate migration

The generate command should be called from the top level folder of your orchestrator implementation, this is the folder that contains the products sub folder, amongst others, except when the --prefix is used to point to that folder. In case there are product blocks defined that use other generated product blocks, the order in which generate product-blocks is run is important, the code for the blocks used in other blocks should be generated first.

config file

An example of a simple product configuration:

  summary_forms: true
name: node
type: Node
tag: NODE
description: "Network node"
  - name: node_rack_mountable
    type: bool
    description: "is node rack mountable"
  - name: node_vendor
    type: enum
    description: "vendor of node"
    enum_type: str
      - "Cisco"
      - "Nokia"
  - name: node
    type: Node
    tag: NODE
    description: "node product block"
      - name: node_name
        description: "Unique name of the node"
        type: str
        required: provisioning
      - name: node_description
        description: "Description of the node"
        type: str
      - name: ims_id
        description: "ID of the node in the inventory management system"
        type: int
        required: active
      - name: under_maintenance
        description: "node is under maintenance"
        type: bool
        required: initial
        default: False

  - name: terminate
      - id: can_only_terminate_when_under_maintenance
        description: "Can only terminate when the node is placed under maintenance"
  - name: validate
    enabled: false
      - id: validate_ims_administration
        description: "Validate that the node is correctly administered in IMS"

Next we will describe the different sections in more detail:

global config section

This section sets some global configuration, applicable for most workflows.

  summary_forms: true
  • summary_forms indicates if a summary form will be generated in the create and modify workflows, default is false.

product type definition

name: node
type: Node
tag: NODE
description: "Network node"

Every product type is described using the following fields: - name: the name of type product type, used in descriptions, as variable name, and to generate filenames - type: used to indicate the type of the product in Python code, types in Python usually starts with an uppercase character - tag: used to register the product tag in the database, can for example be used to filter products, will typically be all uppercase - description: descriptive text for the product type

fixed_inputs section

In this section we define a list of fixed inputs for a product.

  - name: node_vendor
    type: enum
    description: "vendor of node"
    enum_type: str
      - "Cisco"
      - "Nokia"
  - name: node_ports
    type: enum
    description: "number of ports in chassis"
      - 10
      - 20
      - 40

A fixed input has a name, type and description field. If the type is a primitive type (for example: str, bool, int), then this is sufficient. In case of node_vendor an enum type is used, and two additional fields to describe the enumeration type and its possible values. Both str and int enums are supported.

When one or more enum types are specified, the necessary migration and product registry code will be generated for all possible combinations of the enums. In this example six products of type Node will be generated: "Cisco 10", "Cisco 20", "Cisco 40", "Nokia 10", "Nokia 20" and "Nokia 40".

product_blocks section

  - name: port
    type: Port
    tag: PORT
    description: "port product block"

In this section we define the product block(s) that are part of this product. The first product block will automatically be the root product block.

The use of name, type, tag and description in the product block definition is equivalent to the product definition above. The fields describe the product block resource types.

product block fields

  - name: port_mode
    description: 'port mode'
    required: provisioning
    type: enum
    enum_type: str
      - "untagged"
      - "tagged"
      - "link_member"
    default: "tagged"
      - id: must_be_unused_to_change_mode
        description: "Mode can only be changed when there are no services attached to it"

Resource types are described by the following:

  • name: name of the resource type, usually in snake case
  • decription: resource type description
  • required: if the resource type is required starting from lifecycle state inital, provisioning or active, when omitted the resource type will always be optional
  • modifiable: indicate if the resource type can be altered by a modify workflow, when omitted no code will be generated to modify the resource type, currently only supported for simple types
  • default: specify the default for this resource type, this is mandatory when required is set to intitial, will be None if not specified
  • validations: specify the validation id and description, generates a skeleton validation function used in a new annotated type
  • type: see explanation below

resource type types

The following types are supported when specifying resource types:

  • primitive types like int, str, and bool
    - name: circuit_id
      type: int
  • types with a period in there name will generate code to import that type, e.q. ipaddress.IPv4Address
    - name: ipv4_loopback
      type: ipaddress.IPv4Address
  • existing product block types like UserGroup, possible types will be read from products/product_blocks
    - name: group
      type: UserGroup
  • the type list, used together with min_items and max_items to specify the constraints, and list_type to specify the type of the list items
    - name: link_members
      type: list
      list_type: Link
      min_items: 2
      max_items: 2
  • validation code for constrained a int is generated when min_value and max_value are specified
      - name: ims_id
        type: int
        min_value: 1
        max_value: 32_767


  - name: create
      - id: endpoints_cannot_be_on_same_node
        description: "Service endpoints must land on different nodes"
  - name: validate
    enabled: false
      - id: validate_ims_administration
        description: "Validate that the node is correctly administered in IMS"

The following optional workflow configuration is supported:

  • name: can be either create, modify, terminate or validate
  • enabled: to enable or disable the generation of code for that type of workflow, is true when omitted
  • validations: list of validations used to generate skeleton code as model_validator in input forms, and validation steps in the validate workflow


The python generate migration command creates a migration from a configuration file.


--config-file - The configuration file [default: None]
--python-version - Python version for generated code [default: 3.11]


The python generate product command creates a product domain model from a configuration file.


--config-file - The configuration file [default: None]
--dryrun | --no-dryrun - Dry run [default: dryrun]
--force - Force overwrite of existing files
--python-version - Python version for generated code [default: 3.11]
--folder-prefix - Folder prefix, e.g. /workflows [default: None]


The python generate product-blocks command creates product block domain models from a configuration file.


--config-file - The configuration file [default: None]
--dryrun | --no-dryrun - Dry run [default: dryrun]
--force - Force overwrite of existing files
--python-version - Python version for generated code [default: 3.11]
--folder-prefix - Folder prefix, e.g. /workflows [default: None]


The python generate unit-tests command creates unit tests from a configuration file.


--config-file - The configuration file [default: None]
--dryrun | --no-dryrun - Dry run [default: dryrun]
--force - Force overwrite of existing files
--python-version - Python version for generated code [default: 3.11]
--tdd - Force test driven development with failing asserts [default: True]


The python generate workflows command creates create, modify, terminate and validate workflows from a configuration file. The --custom-templates option can be used to specify a folder with custom templates to add additional import statements, input form fields and workflow steps to the create, modify and terminate workflows.


--config-file - The configuration file [default: None]
--dryrun | --no-dryrun - Dry run [default: dryrun]
--force - Force overwrite of existing files
--python-version - Python version for generated code [default: 3.11]
--folder-prefix - Folder prefix, e.g. /workflows [default:
None] --custom-templates - Custom templates folder [default: None]


The workflows/ will only be extended with the needed LazyWorkflowInstance declarations when --force is used.


Access all the scheduler functions.


Force the execution of (a) scheduler(s) based on a keyword.


keyword - [required]


Loop eternally and run schedulers at configured times.


Show the currently configured schedule.