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Create UserGroup workflow

Exercise 1: create UserGroup workflow

The create workflow will produce a subscription for a specific customer on the UserGroup product. This is done by executing the following workflow steps:

>> create_subscription
>> store_process_subscription(Target.CREATE)
>> initialize_subscription
>> provision_user_group
>> set_status(SubscriptionLifecycle.ACTIVE)
>> resync
>> done

The builtin steps init and done are always part of a workflow and mark the begin and end of the workflow. Three other builtin steps are being used here that are almost always part of a create workflow:

  • store_process_subscription

    The orchestrator executes a workflow in a process, and keeps track of all workflows that have been run to create, modify or terminate a subscription, so there is an administrative trail of what happened to each subscription and when. This step is used to enter this information into the database. The argument Target.CREATE indicates that this is a create workflow. The reason that this step is not the first step directly after init is because we need to know the subscription ID that is not yet known at that point in the workflow.

  • set_status

    At the end of the workflow, after the subscription has been created, and the interaction with all OSS and BSS was successfully finished, the subscription state is set to SubscriptionLifecycle.ACTIVE. From this moment on the modify and terminate workflows can be started on this subscription.

  • resync

    Every subscription has a notion of being in sync or not with all OSS and BSS. There are several moments that a subscription is deemed to be out of sync, one is during the time a workflow is active for a subscription, another is when a validation workflow (will be explained in the advanced workshop) has detected a discrepancy between the subscription and any of the OSS or BSS. One important side effect of a subscription being out of sync is that no new workflows can be started for that subscription, this is to protect for actions being taken on information that is possibly not accurate. The resync step sets the subscription in sync.

The three remaining steps are custom to this workflow:

  • create_subscription

    This step will create a new virgin subscription on a product. Every product has the standard method from_product_id() that takes two mandatory arguments: product_id and customer_id. Use this method on the UserGroupInactive product to create a subscription in state SubscriptionLifecycle.INITIAL. Because there is no CRM used during this beginner workshop the customer UUID can be faked.

    Make sure that this step returns a Dict with at least the keys 'subscription' and 'subscription_id' to make the orchestrator merge these keys into the workflow State. When leaving a step the orchestrator will also automatically commit the 'subscription' to the database. The 'subscription_id' key is needed by the store_process_subscription step.

  • initialize_subscription

    This step will initialize the resource types based on the input from the user. In this case only the name of the group needs to be assigned. Also set the subscription description to something meaningful at this stage. After this, the subscription can be transitioned to SubscriptionLifecycle.PROVISIONING, this will trigger checks to make sure that all mandatory resource types are present for that lifecycle state. Every product has the standard method from_other_lifecycle() to accomplish this, this method takes the original subscription and the targe lifecycle state as arguments.

    Make sure that this step returns a Dict with also at least the key 'subscription' to merge the modified subscription into the workflow state and have the orchestrator commit the subscription changes to the database.

  • provision_user_group

    Now the user group can be provisioned in all OSS and BSS as necessary. As there is no actual user group provisioning system during this workshop, this interaction is being faked. The returned (fake) group ID is assigned to the intended resource type.

    Yet again make sure that this step returns a Dict with at least the key 'subscription'.

The only thing left that is needed is an initial input form generator function with one string input field to ask the user for the name of the user group.

Use the skeleton below to create the file workflows/user_group/

from uuid import uuid4

from orchestrator.forms import FormPage
from orchestrator.targets import Target
from orchestrator.types import FormGenerator, State, SubscriptionLifecycle, UUIDstr
from orchestrator.workflow import done, init, step, workflow
from orchestrator.workflows.steps import resync, set_status, store_process_subscription
from orchestrator.workflows.utils import wrap_create_initial_input_form

from products.product_types.user_group import UserGroupInactive, UserGroupProvisioning

# initial input form generator

# create subscription step

# initialize subscription step

# provision user group step

# create user group workflow

Spoiler: for inspiration look at an example implementation of the user group create workflow