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Domain Models - Why do we need them?

Domain Models are designed to help the developer manage complex subscription models and interact with the objects in a user-friendly way. Domain models leverage the Pydantic with some extra sauce to dynamically cast variables from the database where they are stored as a string to their correct type in Python at runtime.

Domain Model benefits

  • Strict MyPy typing and validation in models.
  • Type Safe serialisation to and from the database
  • Subscription lifecycle transition enforcement
  • Hierarchy enforcement with domain models
  • Customer Facing resources vs resource facing resources

When implementing domain models it is possible to link all resources together as they are nodes in a graph through the relations defined in the domain models.

Type Safety during serialisation

Logic errors that depend on type evaluations/comparisons are prevented by using domain models to serialise database objects. This has a number of benefits as it saves the user the effort of casting the database result to the correct type and allows the developer to be more Type safe whilst developing.



The main reason for developing domain models was to make sure bugs like this occurred less.

Pre domain models
>>> some_subscription_instance_value = SubscriptionInstanceValueTable.get("ID")
>>> instance_value_from_db = some_subscription_instance_value.value
>>> instance_value_from_db
>>> if instance_value_from_db is True:
...    print("True")
... else:
...    print("False")
Post domain models
>>> some_subscription_instance_value = SubscriptionInstanceValueTable.get("ID")
>>> instance_value_from_db = some_subscription_instance_value.value
>>> type(instance_value_from_db)
<class str>
>>> subscription_model = SubscriptionModel.from_subscription("ID")
>>> type(subscription_model.product_block.instance_from_db)
<class bool>
>>> subscription_model.product_block.instance_from_db
>>> if subscription_model.product_block.instance_from_db is True:
...    print("True")
... else:
...    print("False")

Lifecycle transitions

When transitioning from Initial -> Provisioning -> Active -> Terminated in the Subscription Lifecycle the domain model definitions make sure that all resource types and product blocks are assigned correctly. Typically the Initial status is less strict compared to the Active lifecycle. When assigning product blocks from other subscriptions as dependent on a product block from the subscription that is being modified, the domain-models respect Subscription boundaries and do not update variables and resources in the related Subscription product block.

Enforcing Hierarchy

When defining and modelling products it's often necessary to model resources that are in use by or dependent on other product blocks. A product block of a subscription can also be dependent on a product block from another subscription. This way a hierarchy of product blocks from all subscriptions can be build where the ownership of any product block is determined by the subscription it belongs to.

A couple of Examples of subscription hierarchies

We will describe some practical examples to explain how you can deal with complex customers requirements, and how to layer subscriptions to represent a complex portfolio of network services.

  1. Consider the relation between a Node and a Port: When you create Node and Port subscriptions. You should not be allowed to Terminate the Node subscriptions when the Port subscriptions are still being used by customers.

  2. Consider a scenario for networking with a layer 2 circuit, one needs at least two interfaces and VLAN configuration to create the circuit. The interfaces may be owned by different customers than the owner of the circuit. Typically we assign a subscription to a customer which contains the interface resource. That interface resource is then used again in the circuit subscription, as a resource.

Code examples

Product Block Model

Product block models are reusable Pydantic classes that enable the user to reuse product blocks in multiple Products. They are defined in lifecycle state and can be setup to be very restrictive or less restrictive. The orchestrator supports hierarchy in the way product block models reference each other. In other words, a product block model, may have a property that references one or more other product block models.


The Product block model should be modeled as though it is a resource that can be re-used in multiple products. In networking the analogy would be: A physical interface may be used in a Layer 2 service and Layer 3 service It is not necessary to define two different physical interface types.

Product Block Model - Inactive

class ServicePortBlockInactive(ProductBlockModel, product_block_name="Service Port"):
    """Object model for a SN8 Service Port product block."""

    nso_service_id: Optional[UUID] = None
    port_mode: Optional[PortMode] = None
    lldp: Optional[bool] = None
    ims_circuit_id: Optional[int] = None
    auto_negotiation: Optional[bool] = None
    node: Optional[NodeProductBlock] = None
As you can see in this model we define it as an Inactive Class. As parameter we pass the name of the product_block in the database. In the second highlighted line you see a variable. This references a resource_type in the database, and annotates what type it should be at runtime. In the Inactive or Initial phase of the Subscription lifecycle we are least restrictive in annotating the properties; All fields/resource types are Optional.

Product Block Model - Provisioning

class ServicePortBlockProvisioning(
    ServicePortBlockInactive , lifecycle=[SubscriptionLifecycle.PROVISIONING]
    """Object model for a SN8 Service Port product block in active state."""

    nso_service_id: UUID
    port_mode: PortMode
    lldp: bool
    ims_circuit_id: Optional[int] = None
    auto_negotiation: Optional[bool] = None
    node: NodeProductBlock
In this stage whe have changed the way a Subscription domain model should look like in a certain Lifecycle state. You also see that the resource_type now no-longer is Optional. It must exist in this instantiation of the class. The model will raise a ValidationError upon .save() if typing is not filled in correctly.

Product Block Model - Active
class ServicePortBlock(ServicePortBlockProvisioning, lifecycle=[SubscriptionLifecycle.ACTIVE]):
    """Object model for a SN8 Service Port product block in active state."""

    nso_service_id: UUID
    port_mode: PortMode
    lldp: bool
    ims_circuit_id: int
    auto_negotiation: Optional[bool] = None
    node: NodeProductBlock

The Class is now defined in its most strict form, in other words in the Active lifecycle of a subscription, this product block model must have all resource_types filled in except for auto_negotiation to function correctly.


The stricter you are in defining your product block models the more you are able to leverage the built in validation ofPydantic.

Product Model a.k.a SubscriptionModel

Product models are very similar to Product Block Models in that they adhere to the same principles as explained above. However the difference to Product Block models is that they create Subscriptions in the database. They must always have a reference to a customer and instead of containing other ProductBlockModel or resource_types they contain either fixed_inputs which basically describe fixed product attributes or other ProductBlockModels.

Product Model - Inactive
class ServicePortInitial(
    SubscriptionModel, is_base=True, lifecycle=[SubscriptionLifecycle.INITIAL, SubscriptionLifecycle.TERMINATED]
    domain: Domain
    port_speed: PortSpeed

    port: Optional[ServicePortBlockInactive] = None

In the above example you can observe the lifecycle definition as per the ProductBlockModels. Below that you see fixed_inputs These can be of any type, however if they are a SubClass of a ProductBlockModel the code will automatically create a database instance of that object.

Product Model - Provisioning and Active
class ServicePortProvisioning(
    ServicePortInitial, lifecycle=[SubscriptionLifecycle.PROVISIONING]
    domain: Domain
    port_speed: PortSpeed
    port: ServicePortBlockProvisioning

class ServicePort(ServicePortProvisioning, lifecycle=[SubscriptionLifecycle.ACTIVE]):
    domain: Domain
    port_speed: PortSpeed
    port: ServicePortBlock

Again you can observe how the Product definition changes depending on the lifecycle. It annotates a different type to the port property in SubscriptionLifecycle.ACTIVE compared to SubscriptionLifecycle.PROVISIONING.

Advanced Use Cases

Crossing the subscription boundary

As mentioned before an advanced use case would be to use ProductBlockModels from other Subscriptions.


>>> first_service_port = ServicePort.from_subscription(subscription_id="ID")
>>> first_service_port.customer_id
>>> second_service_port = ServicePort.from_product(product_id="ID", customer_id="ID")
>>> second_service_port.port = first_service_port.port
>>> second_service_port.port.subscription == first_service_port.subscription
>>> second_service_port.port.subscription == second_service_port.subscription

This is valid use of the domain models. The code will detect that port is part of first_service_port and respect ownership. It basically will treat it as a read-only property.

Union types

There may also be a case where a user would like to define two different types to a ProductBlockModel property. This can be achieved by using the Union type decorator.


When using this method be sure as to declare the Most specific type first. This is how Pydantic attempts to cast types to the property. For more background as to why, read here

class ServicePort(ServicePortProvisioning, lifecycle=[SubscriptionLifecycle.ACTIVE]):
    domain: Domain
    port_speed: PortSpeed
    port: Union[ServicePortBlock, DifferentServicePortBlock]