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The workflow orchestrator projects welcomes any contributions from any party. If you are interested in contributing or have questions about the project please contact the board: or feel free to raise an issue in the project. We will strive to reply to your enquiry A.S.A.P.


We use MKDOCS as a documentation tool. Please create a PR if you have any additions or contributions to make. All docs can be written in MD or html. Full guidelines on how to set this up can be found here.

Orchestrator release

The orchestrator-core has no release schedule but is actively used and maintained by the workflow orchestrator group. Creating a new release is done by the developers of the project and the procedure is as follows.

Release candidates

When creating new features they can be released in so-called pre-releases on github. Depending on the feature type the developer will need to run bumpversion (major|minor|patch) and then bumpversion build --allow-dirty to create a new release candidate. This command will update the .bumpversion.cfg and the files.

The next step would be to "Create a new release" -> "Fill in the tag and check the box, create tag upon release" and use the checkbox "pre-release."

The code will be pushed to pypi and installed in a project.

Official releases.

Official releases follow the same procedure as described above and can be either created from a release candidate by removing the -rc string from the .bumpversion.cfg and the files. After that a new release can be created and the Autogenerate changelog option may be used.