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The workflow engine is the core of the orchestrator, it is responsible for the following functions:

  • Safely and reliable manipulate customer Subscriptions from one state to the next and maintain auditability.

  • Create an API through which Subscriptions can be manipulated programmatically.

  • Execute step functions in order and allow the retry of previously failed process-steps in an idempotent way.

  • Atomically execute workflow functions.

A workflow is the combination of an initial input form, used to acquire input from the user, and a list of workflow steps. Four types of workflows are distinguished: CREATE workflows that will produce a subscription on a product for a specific customer, MODIFY workflows to manipulate existing subscriptions, TERMINATE workflows to end the subscription on a product for a customer, and SYSTEM workflows that run scheduled and do not have an input form. The latter type of workflows is also referred to as tasks, and can for example be used to validate subscriptions against external operations support systems (OSS) and business support systems (BSS). The same workflow step can be used in multiple workflows, and a set of workflow steps can be combined in a step list and can be reused as well.

Ideally workflow steps are idempotent. In case a workflow step fails, this allows for save retry functionality without possible unwanted side effects or new failures. This is especially important when a step is used to communicate with external OSS and BSS. But in practice it will not always be possible to make a step one hundred percent idempotent, thus requiring manual intervention before a step can be retried. Note that the workflow steps created in this beginner workshop are not written with idempotency in mind.

The workflow decorator takes a description, initial input form, and a target as input and turns a function into a workflow that returns a step list to be executed by the workflow engine in a workflow process. A minimal workflow looks like this:

    "Create product subscription",
def create_product_subscription():
    return init >> create_subscription >> done

Information between workflow steps is passed using State, which is nothing more than a collection of key/value pairs, in Python represented by a Dict, with string keys and arbitrary values. Between steps the State is serialized to JSON and stored in the database. The step decorator is used to turn a function into a workflow step, all arguments to the step function will automatically be initialised with the value from the matching key in the State. In turn the step function will return a Dict of new and/or modified key/value pairs that will be merged into the State to be consumed by the next step. The serialization and deserialization between JSON and the indicated Python types is done automatically. A minimal workflow step looks as follows:

@step("Create subscription")
def create_subscription(
    product: UUIDstr,
    user_input: str,
) -> State:
    subscription = build_subscription(product, user_input)
    return {"subscription": subscription}

The product and user_input arguments are filled from the corresponding key/value pairs in the State, and the new subscription key/value is added to the state to be used by one of the following steps.

Every workflow starts with the builtin step init and ends with the builtin step done, with an arbitrary list of other builtin steps or custom steps in between.