
Initial configuration for SuPA.

This being the top level package, structured logging is configured here so that it is available everywhere else by means of:

import structlog
logger = structlog.get_logger(__name__)

All possible configurable settings are defined here as part of Settings. All these settings have a default values, that are overwritten by whatever values those settings have, if any, in the configuration file supa.env. See also resolve_env_file()

supa.get_project_root() Path

Return project root directory.


project root directory

class supa.JournalMode(value)

A (subset) of the journal modes as supported by SQLite.

Preferably we should use the WAL journal mode for SQLite as that provides the best concurrency; allowing for multiple READs to occur while a WRITE is in progress. Without WAL, as the journal mode, SQLite locks the entire database as soon as a transaction starts. As SuPA also uses SQLAlchemy, that happens to issue a transaction upon session creation, this could have a negative performance impact.

However, WAL journal mode does not work well with networked file systems, such as NFS. This might also hold for some, or most of the Kubernetes storage volumes. If in doubt use a local volume.

But don’t let these warnings fool you. SQLlite is a wickedly fast database that matches SuPA’s needs perfectly.

class supa.Settings(_env_file: str | PathLike | List[str | PathLike] | Tuple[str | PathLike, ...] | None = '<object object>', _env_file_encoding: str | None = None, _env_nested_delimiter: str | None = None, _secrets_dir: str | PathLike | None = None, *, grpc_server_max_workers: int = 8, grpc_server_insecure_host: str = 'localhost', grpc_server_insecure_port: str = '50051', grpc_client_insecure_host: str = 'localhost', grpc_client_insecure_port: str = '9090', document_server_host: str = 'localhost', document_server_port: int = 4321, scheduler_max_workers: int = 12, database_journal_mode: JournalMode = JournalMode.WAL, database_file: Path = PosixPath('supa.db'), topology_freshness: int = 60, log_level: str = '', domain: str = 'example.domain:2013', topology: str = 'topology', manual_topology: bool = False, reserve_timeout: int = 120, backend: str = '', nsa_scheme: str = 'http', nsa_host: str = 'localhost', nsa_port: str = '8080', nsa_name: str = 'example.domain uPA', nsa_provider_path: str = '/provider', nsa_topology_path: str = '/topology', nsa_discovery_path: str = '/discovery', nsa_owner_timestamp: str = '19700101T000000Z', nsa_owner_firstname: str = 'Firstname', nsa_owner_lastname: str = 'Lastname', nsa_latitude: str = '-0.374350', nsa_longitude: str = '-159.996719', topology_name: str = 'example.domain topology', nsa_start_time: datetime = datetime.datetime(2023, 3, 28, 11, 48, 6, 521910, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc))

Application wide settings with default values.

See also: the supa.env file

grpc_server_max_workers: int
grpc_server_insecure_host: str
grpc_server_insecure_port: str

The host and port SuPA is listening on.

grpc_client_insecure_host: str
grpc_client_insecure_port: str

The host and port the Requester Agent/PolyNSI is listening on.

document_server_host: str
document_server_port: int
scheduler_max_workers: int
database_journal_mode: JournalMode
database_file: Path
topology_freshness: int
log_level: str
domain: str
topology: str
manual_topology: bool
reserve_timeout: int
backend: str
nsa_scheme: str
nsa_host: str
nsa_port: str
nsa_name: str
nsa_provider_path: str
nsa_topology_path: str
nsa_discovery_path: str
nsa_owner_timestamp: str
nsa_owner_firstname: str
nsa_owner_lastname: str
nsa_latitude: str
nsa_longitude: str
topology_name: str
property nsa_exposed_url: str

Return URL that NSA is exposed on constructed from nsa_scheme, nsa_host and nsa_port.

class Config
case_sensitive = True
get_nsa_id() str

Construct NSA ID using Settings.domain.

supa.resolve_env_file() Path

Resolve env file by looking at specific locations.

Depending on how the project was installed we find the env file in different locations. When pip performs a regular install it will process the data_files sections in setup.cfg. The env file is specified in that section and the location specified there (hard coded here) is the first location checked.

Editable pip installs do not process that section. Hence the location of the env file can be found relative to the top level supa package in the source tree (where this code is located). This is the second location checked.

If none of these locations results in finding the env file we give up.


The path where the env file was found or None


FileNotFoundError – if the env file could not be resolved/found.

supa.resolve_database_file(database_file: Path | str) Path

Resolve the location of the database file.

SQLite stores its database in a file. If the file does not exist, it will be created automatically. This means that if we get the reference to that file wrong, a new one will be created. This leads to all kinds of unexpected problems. Hence we need a way to predictably resolve the location of the database file. resolve_database_file() uses the following algorithm:

If database_file is an absolute path, we are done. Otherwise determine if SuPA was installed normally or in editable mode/development mode. In case of the former resolve database_file relative to <venv_dir>/var/db In case of the latter resolve database_file relative to the project root.


database_file – relative or absolute filename of database file


Fully resolved/obsolute path name to database file

supa.settings = Settings(grpc_server_max_workers=8, grpc_server_insecure_host='localhost', grpc_server_insecure_port='50051', grpc_client_insecure_host='localhost', grpc_client_insecure_port='9090', document_server_host='localhost', document_server_port=4321, scheduler_max_workers=12, database_journal_mode=<JournalMode.WAL: 'WAL'>, database_file=PosixPath('supa.db'), topology_freshness=60, log_level='INFO', domain='example.domain:2001', topology='topology', manual_topology=False, reserve_timeout=120, backend='', nsa_scheme='http', nsa_host='localhost', nsa_port='8080', nsa_name='example.domain uPA', nsa_provider_path='/provider', nsa_topology_path='/topology', nsa_discovery_path='/discovery', nsa_owner_timestamp='19700101T000000Z', nsa_owner_firstname='Firstname', nsa_owner_lastname='Lastname', nsa_latitude='-0.374350', nsa_longitude='-159.996719', topology_name='example.domain topology', nsa_start_time=datetime.datetime(2023, 3, 28, 11, 48, 6, 521910, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc))

Application wide settings.

Initially this only has the settings, as specified in the env file and environment, resolved. Command line processing should overwrite specific settings, when appropriate, to reflect that this takes precedence. As a result you should see code updating settings in most, if not all, Click callables (sub commands) defined in supa.main

class supa.UnconfiguredScheduler(gconfig={}, **options)

Fail safe fake scheduler to guard against premature scheduler usage.

The BackgroundScheduler can only be initialized after all settings have been resolved. This means that we cannot initialize it at the module level. After all, at the time this module is being executed the default settings and those of the env file have been processed, those specified on the commend line might not have been processed. At the same time we want to keep easy access to the scheduler as a module level attribute. So we configure the scheduler with this safe guard class only to overwrite it with the real thing after command line options have been processed.

exc_msg = 'Scheduler has not yet been initialized. Call `main.init_app` first. Only then (locally) import `scheduler`.\n\nIMPORTANT\n==========\nMake sure you have processed all the different ways of dealing with application\nconfiguration before you call `main.init_app`.  The env file (`supa.env`) and\nthe environment are handled automatically by the `supa.settings` instance.\nHowever anything specified on the command line generally needs to be processed\nexplicitly in the module `supa.main`.\n'

Trap premature call and raise an exception.


Trap premature call and raise an exception.


Trap premature calls and raise an exception.

add_job(func, trigger=None, args=None, kwargs=None, id=None, name=None, misfire_grace_time=<undefined>, coalesce=<undefined>, max_instances=<undefined>, next_run_time=<undefined>, jobstore='default', executor='default', replace_existing=False, **trigger_args)

Trap premature calls and raise an exception.

supa.scheduler = <supa.UnconfiguredScheduler object>

Application scheduler for scheduling and executing jobs

scheduler can only be used after a call to main.init_app(). That, in turn, can only be called after all application configuration has been resolved, eg. after command line processing. main.init_app() will replace scheduler with a proper BackgroundScheduler.

supa.init_app(with_scheduler: bool = True) None

Initialize the application (database, scheduler, etc) and recover jobs``.

init_app() should only be called after all application configuration has been resolved. Most of that happens implicitly in supa, but some of needs to be done after processing command line options.

For instance, init_app() assumes settings (the database_file attribute of it) has been updated after command line processing, that is, if the setting was changed on the command line. That way the command line options have had the ability to override the default values, those of the env file and environment variables.


Only import supa.db.Session after the call to init_app(). If imported earlier, supa.db.Session will refer to supa.db.UnconfiguredSession and you will get a nice exception upon usage.

Likewise only import scheduler after the call to init_app(). If imported earlier, scheduler will refer to UnconfiguredScheduler and you will get an equally nice exception.

If the scheduler is to be initialized as well (see: with_scheduler) it will also be started.


with_scheduler – if True, initialize and start scheduler. If False, don’t.

supa.recover_jobs() None

Recover jobs from a previous run with_scheduler.

recover_jobs() should only be called after init_app() was called and the scheduler is running.

Try to recover all jobs that did not finish. All af SuPA’s asynchronous work is performed by jobs that the scheduler schedules. If SuPA is terminated before these jobs have had a chance to run to completion, they might be recovered by looking at the state of their work in the database.

See Also: supa.job.shared.Job


Application wide constants.

supa.const.SERVICE_TYPE = 'http://services.ogf.org/nsi/2013/12/descriptions/EVTS.A-GOLE'

Currently only one Service Type is supported.


SuPA main entry point.

SuPA has a single entry point defined in this module, namely cli(). That is what is executed when the supa command is issued from the command-line.

The other @cli.command annotated functions in this modules implement the various sub-commands.

class supa.main.CommonOptionsState(database_file: Path | None = None, log_level: str | None = None)

Class to capture common options shared between Click callables/sub commands.

supa.main.pass_common_options_state(f: F) F

Define custom decorator to pass in an CommonOptionState instance as first argument.

When decorating a Click callable/sub command with the :func`common_options` decorator the Click options defined in that decorator will become part of the sub command as if they where defined directly on the sub command. These common options however will not be pass in the argument list to the sub command. Reason being that we don’t know beforehand how many extra common options common_options() defines, or if that number later changes possibly breaking existing code. Instead we want a single state capturing object to be passed in.


@click.option("--fu", ...)
@common_options              # <--- usage
@pass_common_options_state   # <--- usage
def my_sub_command(common_options: CommonOptionsState, fu: str, bar: str) -> None:
    # explicitly update ``settings`' attributes if they match command line options
    settings.fu = fu
    settings.bar = bar
    # with all settings resolved, we can now initialize the application properly.

    # actual sub command stuff

Define common option for specifying database file location.


Define common option for specifying log level.


Provide the means to declare common options to Click callables/sub command.


Manage the SURF ultimate Provider Agent from the command line.

Configuration variables can be set using (in order of precedence):

- command line options
- environment variables
- entries in supa.env

For more information see supa.env.



Connection subcommands.

supa connection [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

List connections.

supa connection list [OPTIONS]


--only <only>

Limit list of connections [default: list all]


current | past

--order-by <order_by>

Order connections


start_time | end_time

--log-level <log_level>


--database-file <database_file>

Location of the SQLlite database file


Reservations subcommands.

supa reservation [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

List reservations.

supa reservation list [OPTIONS]


--only <only>

Limit list of reservations [default: list all]


current | past

--order-by <order_by>

Order reservations


start_time | end_time

--log-level <log_level>


--database-file <database_file>

Location of the SQLlite database file


Start the gRPC server and listen for incoming requests.

supa serve [OPTIONS]


--grpc-server-max-workers <grpc_server_max_workers>

Maximum number of workers to serve gRPC requests.

--grpc-server-insecure-host <grpc_server_insecure_host>

GRPC server host to listen on.

--grpc-server-insecure-port <grpc_server_insecure_port>

GRPC server port to listen on.

--grpc-client-insecure-host <grpc_client_insecure_host>

Host that PolyNSI listens on.

--grpc-client-insecure-port <grpc_client_insecure_port>

Port that PolyNSI listens on.

--document-server-host <document_server_host>

Host that the document server listens on.

--document-server-port <document_server_port>

Port that the document server listens on.

--scheduler-max-workers <scheduler_max_workers>

Maximum number of workers to execute scheduler jobs.

--domain <domain>

Name of the domain SuPA is responsible for.

--topology <topology>

Name of the topology SuPA is responsible for.


Use SuPA CLI to manually administrate topology.

--reserve-timeout <reserve_timeout>

Reserve timeout in seconds.

--backend <backend>

Name of backend module.

--nsa-host <nsa_host>

Name of the host where SuPA is exposed on.

--nsa-port <nsa_port>

Port where SuPA is exposed on.

--nsa-name <nsa_name>

Descriptive name for this uPA.

--nsa-scheme <nsa_scheme>

URL scheme of the exposed service.

--nsa-provider-path <nsa_provider_path>

Path of the NSI provider endpoint.

--nsa-topology-path <nsa_topology_path>

Path of the NSI topology endpoint.

--nsa-discovery-path <nsa_discovery_path>

Path of the NSI discovery endpoint.

--nsa-owner-timestamp <nsa_owner_timestamp>

Timestamp when the owner information was last change.

--nsa-owner-firstname <nsa_owner_firstname>

Firstname of the owner of this uPA.

--nsa-owner-lastname <nsa_owner_lastname>

Lastname of the owner of this uPA.

--nsa-latitude <nsa_latitude>

Latitude of this uPA.

--nsa-longitude <nsa_longitude>

Longitude of this uPA.

--topology-name <topology_name>

Descriptive name for the exposed topology.

--topology-freshness <topology_freshness>

Number of seconds before fetching topology from backend again.

--log-level <log_level>


--database-file <database_file>

Location of the SQLlite database file


STP subcommands.

supa stp [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

Add STP to topology.

supa stp add [OPTIONS]


--stp-id <stp_id>

Required Uniq ID of the STP.

--port-id <port_id>

Required ID of the corresponding port.

--vlans <vlans>

Required VLANs part of this STP.

--description <description>

STP description.

--is-alias-in <is_alias_in>

Inbound STP ID from connected topology.

--is-alias-out <is_alias_out>

Outbound STP ID to connected topology.

--bandwidth <bandwidth>

Required Available bandwidth for this STP in Mbps.

--enabled, --disabled
--log-level <log_level>


--database-file <database_file>

Location of the SQLlite database file


Delete STP from topology (if not in use or previously used).

A STP can only be deleted if it was never used in a reservation. Once used a STP cannot be deleted again. A STP can be disabled though! This will take it out of the pool of STP’s reservations (and hence connections) are made against. See the disable command.

supa stp delete [OPTIONS]


--stp-id <stp_id>

Required STP id to be deleted from topology.

--log-level <log_level>


--database-file <database_file>

Location of the SQLlite database file


Do not expose STP in topology.

Disabling a STP makes it unavailable for reservation requests.

supa stp disable [OPTIONS]


--stp-id <stp_id>

Required STP id to be disabled.

--log-level <log_level>


--database-file <database_file>

Location of the SQLlite database file


Expose STP in topology.

Enabling a STP makes it available for reservation requests.

supa stp enable [OPTIONS]


--stp-id <stp_id>

Required STP id to be enabled.

--log-level <log_level>


--database-file <database_file>

Location of the SQLlite database file


List STP’s known to this uPA.

supa stp list [OPTIONS]


--only <only>

Limit list of ports [default: list all]


enabled | disabled

--log-level <log_level>


--database-file <database_file>

Location of the SQLlite database file


Modify existing STP in topology.

supa stp modify [OPTIONS]


--stp-id <stp_id>

Required Uniq ID of the STP.

--port-id <port_id>

ID of the corresponding port.

--vlans <vlans>

VLANs part of this STP.

--description <description>

STP description.

--is-alias-in <is_alias_in>

Inbound STP ID from connected topology.

--is-alias-out <is_alias_out>

Outbound STP ID to connected topology.

--bandwidth <bandwidth>

Available bandwidth for this STP in Mbps.

--log-level <log_level>


--database-file <database_file>

Location of the SQLlite database file


Setup the DB, configure SQLAlchemy and define the schema.

Due to SuPA’s modest DB requirements we have chosen to use SQLite. It is very easy to use, does not require a full client/server setup, and it is wickedly fast. There are some limitations with regards to concurrency, but those will not affect SuPA with its low DB WRITE needs; especially when configured with the WAL journal mode.



Due to how SuPA initializes itself, whatever needs to be imported from this module, needs to be imported locally!

When anything from this module is imported at the top of other modules some things within this module might not yet have been correctly initialized. Most notable the location of the SQLite database file. Once the initialization has been completed, these already imported objects will still refer to the old uninitialized ones. Don’t worry too much about it; you will get an informative error. But just to be on the safe side, always import anything from this module locally!

supa.db.session.set_sqlite_pragma(dbapi_connection: Connection, connection_record: _ConnectionRecord) None

Configure certain SQLite settings.

These settings, issued as SQLite pragmas, need to be configured on each connection. Hence the usage of SQLAlchemy’s engine’s connect event.

class supa.db.session.UnconfiguredSession

Fail safe fake session class to guard against premature SQLAlchemy session usage.

SQLAlchemy’s engine, and hence session, can only be initialized after all settings have been resolved. This means that we cannot initialize it at the module level. After all, at the time this module is being executed the default settings and those of the env file have been processed, those specified on the commend line might not have been processed. At the same time we want to keep easy access to the Session as a module level attribute. So we configure the Session with this safe guard class only to overwrite it with the real thing after command line options have been processed.

supa.db.session.Session = <supa.db.session.UnconfiguredSession object>

SQLAlchemy Session for accessing the database.

Session can only be used after a call to main.init_app(). That, in turn, can only be called after all application configuration has been resolved, eg. after command line processing. main.init_app() will replace Session with a proper SQLAlchemy (scoped) Session.

supa.db.session.db_session() Iterator[scoped_session]

Context manager for using an SQLAlchemy session.

It will automatically commit the session upon leaving the context manager. It will rollback the session if an exception occurred while in the context manager. re-raising the exception afterwards.


my_model = MyModel(fu="fu", bar="bar")
with db_session() as session:

Exception – Actually whatever exception that was raised while the context manager was active.


Define the database models.

Surrogate keys versus natural keys

Looking at the model definitions you’ll find that we have used natural keys wherever possible. Though no too common these days, with the prevalent use of ORMs that automatically generate a surrogate key per model, SQLAlchemy is flexible enough to model things ‘naturally’ from a relational database point of view. This sometimes results in composite primary keys.

Foreign keys to these composite primary keys cannot be defined on a specific Column definition or even a set of Column definitions. Something that does work for composite primary key definitions. Instead, these foreign keys need to be defined using a ForeignKeyConstraint on the __table_args__ attribute of the DB model.

Connection IDs

Looking at example messages in the different specifications:

we see that connection IDs always seem to be formatted as UUID’s. However, according to its definition in GWD-R-P.237, it can be any string as long as it is unique within the context of a PA. That is the reason that we have modelled connection IDs from other NSA’s (ag_connection_id, upa_connection_id) as TEXT. Within SuPA we have decided to use UUID’s for our connection_id’s.

SQLAlchemy Model Dependency Diagram

A visual representation of how everything is wired together should help navigating the Python code a lot better.

class supa.db.model.Uuid(*args, **kwargs)

Implement SQLAlchemy Uuid column type for SQLite databases.

This stores Python uuid.UUID types as strings (CHAR(36)) in the database. We have chosen to store the uuid.UUID.__str__() representation directly, eg. with "-" between the UUID fields, for improved readability.

process_bind_param(value: UUID | None, dialect: Dialect) str | None

Receive a bound parameter value to be converted.

Subclasses override this method to return the value that should be passed along to the underlying TypeEngine object, and from there to the DBAPI execute() method.

The operation could be anything desired to perform custom behavior, such as transforming or serializing data. This could also be used as a hook for validating logic.

This operation should be designed with the reverse operation in mind, which would be the process_result_value method of this class.

  • value – Data to operate upon, of any type expected by this method in the subclass. Can be None.

  • dialect – the Dialect in use.

process_result_value(value: str | None, dialect: Dialect) UUID | None

Receive a result-row column value to be converted.

Subclasses should implement this method to operate on data fetched from the database.

Subclasses override this method to return the value that should be passed back to the application, given a value that is already processed by the underlying TypeEngine object, originally from the DBAPI cursor method fetchone() or similar.

The operation could be anything desired to perform custom behavior, such as transforming or serializing data. This could also be used as a hook for validating logic.

  • value – Data to operate upon, of any type expected by this method in the subclass. Can be None.

  • dialect – the Dialect in use.

This operation should be designed to be reversible by the “process_bind_param” method of this class.

class supa.db.model.ReprBase

Custom SQLAlchemy model to provide meaningful __str__() and __repr__() methods.

Writing appropriate __repr__ and __str__ methods for all your SQLAlchemy ORM models gets tedious very quickly. By using SQLAlchemy’s Runtime Inspection API this base class can easily generate these methods for you.


This class cannot be used as a regular Python base class due to assumptions made by declarative_base. See Usage below instead.


Base = declarative_base(cls=ReprBase)
exception supa.db.model.UtcTimestampException

Exception class for custom UtcTimestamp SQLAlchemy column type.

class supa.db.model.UtcTimestamp(*args, **kwargs)

Custom SQLAlchemy column type for storing timestamps in UTC in SQLite databases.

This column type always returns timestamps with the UTC timezone. It also guards against accidentally trying to store Python naive timestamps (those without a time zone).

In the SQLite database the timestamps are stored as strings of format: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss. UTC is always implied.

process_bind_param(value: datetime | None, dialect: Dialect) datetime | None

Receive a bound parameter value to be converted.

Subclasses override this method to return the value that should be passed along to the underlying TypeEngine object, and from there to the DBAPI execute() method.

The operation could be anything desired to perform custom behavior, such as transforming or serializing data. This could also be used as a hook for validating logic.

This operation should be designed with the reverse operation in mind, which would be the process_result_value method of this class.

  • value – Data to operate upon, of any type expected by this method in the subclass. Can be None.

  • dialect – the Dialect in use.

process_result_value(value: datetime | None, dialect: Dialect) datetime | None

Receive a result-row column value to be converted.

Subclasses should implement this method to operate on data fetched from the database.

Subclasses override this method to return the value that should be passed back to the application, given a value that is already processed by the underlying TypeEngine object, originally from the DBAPI cursor method fetchone() or similar.

The operation could be anything desired to perform custom behavior, such as transforming or serializing data. This could also be used as a hook for validating logic.

  • value – Data to operate upon, of any type expected by this method in the subclass. Can be None.

  • dialect – the Dialect in use.

This operation should be designed to be reversible by the “process_bind_param” method of this class.

class supa.db.model.Reservation(**kwargs)

DB mapping for registering NSI reservations.

src_stp(selected: bool = False) Stp

Return STP instance for src data.

Depending on where we are in the reservation process, we need to deal with a requested VLAN(s)(ranges), or a selected VLAN. The selected parameter determines which of the two will be used for the labels argument to the Stp object.


selected – if True, use ‘selected VLAN` instead of requested VLAN(s)(ranges)


Stp object

dst_stp(selected: bool = False) Stp

Return STP instance for dst data.

Depending on where we are in the reservation process, we need to deal with a requested VLAN(s)(ranges), or a selected VLAN. The selected parameter determines which of the two will be used for the labels argument to the Stp object.


selected – if True, use ‘selected VLAN` instead of requested VLAN(s)(ranges)


Stp object

class supa.db.model.PathTrace(**kwargs)

DB mapping for PathTraces.

class supa.db.model.Path(**kwargs)

DB mapping for Paths.

class supa.db.model.Segment(**kwargs)

DB mapping for Segment.

class supa.db.model.Stp(**kwargs)

DB Mapping for STP.

class supa.db.model.Parameter(**kwargs)

DB mapping for PointToPointService Parameters.

class supa.db.model.Topology(**kwargs)

DB mapping for STP’s and ports in the topology from the NRM.

class supa.db.model.Connection(**kwargs)

DB mapping for registering connections to be build/built.

It stores references to the actual STP’s used in the connection as listed in :class`Topology` and the circuit_id of the circuit in the NRM.

supa.db.model.connection_to_dict(connection: Connection) Dict[str, Any]

Create a dict from a Connection.

A convenience function to create a dict that can be used as parameter list to all backend methods.

class supa.db.model.Notification(**kwargs)

DB mapping for registering notifications against a connection ID.

Store the notification for a connection ID serialized to string together with a linearly increasing identifier that can be used for ordering notifications in the context of the connection ID.

class supa.db.model.Result(**kwargs)

DB mapping for registering results against a connection ID.

Store the async result to a provider request serialized to string together with a linearly increasing identifier that can be used for ordering results in the context of the connection ID. Results of requests from a RA to a PA are stored so they can be retrieved later in case only synchronous communication is possible between the RA and PA.


class supa.job.shared.Job

Capture SuPA’s asynchronous work.


With asynchronous we don’t mean async IO, as is all the hype these days. Instead, we refer to all the work that happens outside of the regular gRPC request/response cycle. Asynchronous ‘work’ is an explicit aspect of the NSI protocol.

abstract __call__() None

Perform the work represented by this class.

Sub classes must override this method. This method is called by the scheduler when the job is scheduled to run.

abstract classmethod recover() List[Job]

Recover work that did not run to completion due to a premature termination of SuPA.

When SuPA needs to be terminated, there might still be some scheduled jobs that haven’t yet run. These jobs might be recovered when SuPA’s is started again. If they can, it is up to this class method to recreated these jobs.

This is an abstract method as we want subclasses to be explict about their recovery process.

See Also: supa.init_app()


A list of instantiated jobs to be rescheduled.

abstract trigger() DateTrigger

Trigger for recovered jobs.

Recovered jobs generally know when they should be run. This function provides the means to tell the recovery process exactly that.

This is an abstract method as we want subclasses to be explicit about their trigger behaviour.

Whatever this trigger() function returns, is passed to the scheduler’s add_job() method after the job has been passed into it.


from datetime import datetime, timezone
from apscheduler.triggers.date import DateTrigger

my_job = MyJob(...)
my_job.trigger()  # -> DateTrigger(run_date=datetime(2020, 10, 8, 10, 0, tzinfo=timezone.utc))

# Then the recovery process will do this:

scheduler.add_job(my_job, my_job.trigger())

If a job needs to be run immediately after recovery, then simply return DateTrigger(run_date=None).


Tuple of arguments to be supplied to the add_job scheduler method.

property job_id: str

ID of the job like <type of job>=<connection ID>, otherwise random UUID.

exception supa.job.shared.NsiException(nsi_error: NsiError, extra_info: str, variables: Dict[Variable, str] | None = None)

Exception used in signalling NSI errors within SuPA.

NSI errors are instances of NsiError. They represent a class or errors. NsiException, on the other hand, is used to represent a specific occurrence of an NsiError with extra information about the error. In addition it, being an exception, can be used to interrupt the regular flow of execution.

An NsiException will eventually be converted into a ServiceException. That is a Protobuf data structure/message that will be send back to the NSA/Aggregator. Hence an NsiException is internal. An ServiceException is external.

nsi_error: NsiError

Type of error that occurred.

extra_info: str

Extra information about the specifics of the error that occurred.

variables: Dict[Variable, str]

Additional information about the specifics of the error that occurred.

The difference between extra_info and variables is that the former in primarily meant to provide a meaningful message to the end user. Whereas the latter is intended as a a structured machine readable version of extra_info.

This difference is of importance when the NsiException is converted into it’s Protobuf equivalent: the ServiceException.

property text: str

Return text message of the exception/error.

This combines information from the attached NsiError and the etxra_info.

supa.job.shared.register_notification(request: ErrorEventRequest | ReserveTimeoutRequest | DataPlaneStateChangeRequest | MessageDeliveryTimeoutRequest, notification_type: NotificationType) None

Register notification against connection_id in the database and add notification_id to notification.

supa.job.shared.register_result(request: ReserveConfirmedRequest | GenericConfirmedRequest | GenericFailedRequest | ErrorRequest, result_type: ResultType) None

Register result against connection_id in the database.


class supa.job.reserve.StpResources(bandwidth: int, vlans: VlanRanges)

Capture STP resources, as returned by an SQLAlchemy query, so that they can be referred to by name.

bandwidth: int

Alias for field number 0

vlans: VlanRanges

Alias for field number 1

class supa.job.reserve.ReserveJob(connection_id: UUID)

Handle reservation requests.

classmethod recover() List[Job]

Recover ReserveJob’s that did not get to run before SuPA was terminated.


List of ReserveJob’s that still need to be run.

trigger() DateTrigger

Return APScheduler trigger information for scheduling ReserveJob’s.

class supa.job.reserve.ReserveCommitJob(connection_id: UUID)

Handle reservation commit requests.

classmethod recover() List[Job]

Recover ReserveCommitJob’s that did not get to run before SuPA was terminated.


List of ReserveCommitJob’s that still need to be run.

trigger() DateTrigger

Trigger for ReserveCommitJobs.

class supa.job.reserve.ReserveAbortJob(connection_id: UUID)

Handle reservation obort requests.

classmethod recover() List[Job]

Recover ReserveAbortJob’s that did not get to run before SuPA was terminated.


List of ReserveAbortJob’s that still need to be run.

trigger() DateTrigger

Trigger for ReserveAbortJobs.

class supa.job.reserve.ReserveTimeoutJob(connection_id: UUID)

Handle reserve timeouts.

classmethod recover() List[Job]

Recover ReserveTimeoutJob’s that did not get to run before SuPA was terminated.

The current implementation just re-adds a new reservation timeout for all reservations that are still in ReserveHeld, potentially almost doubling the original reservation hold time.


List of ReserveTimeoutJob’s that still need to be run.

trigger() DateTrigger

Trigger for ReserveTimeoutJobs.


class supa.job.provision.ProvisionJob(connection_id: UUID)

Handle provision requests.

classmethod recover() List[Job]

Recover ProvisionJob’s that did not get to run before SuPA was terminated.

Only include jobs for reservations that are still supposed to have its data plane activated according to their lifecycle state and end time.


List of ProvisionJob’s that still need to be run.

trigger() DateTrigger

Trigger for ProvisionJobs.

class supa.job.provision.ReleaseJob(connection_id: UUID)

Handle release requests.

classmethod recover() List[Job]

Recover ReleaseJob’s that did not get to run before SuPA was terminated.


List of ReleaseJob’s that still need to be run.

trigger() DateTrigger

Trigger for ReleaseJobs.


class supa.job.lifecycle.TerminateJob(connection_id: UUID)

Handle provision requests.

classmethod recover() List[Job]

Recover TerminateJobs’s that did not get to run before SuPA was terminated.


List of TerminateJob’s that still need to be run.

trigger() DateTrigger

Trigger for TerminateJob’s.


supa.job.query.create_query_confirmed_request(pb_query_request: QueryRequest) QueryConfirmedRequest

Create a list of reservation information matching the request.


pb_query_request – Query request with match criteria.


List of reservation information.

supa.job.query.create_query_notification_confirmed_request(pb_query_notification_request: QueryNotificationRequest) QueryNotificationConfirmedRequest

Get a list of notifications for connection ID supplied by query notification request.

Query notification(s) of requested connection ID, if any, optionally limiting the notifications by start and end notification ID.


pb_query_notification_request (QueryNotificationRequest) –


QueryNotificationConfirmedRequest with list of notifications.

supa.job.query.create_query_result_confirmed_request(pb_query_result_request: QueryResultRequest) QueryResultConfirmedRequest

Get a list of results for connection ID supplied by query result request.

Query results(s) of requested connection ID, if any, optionally limiting the notifications by start and end result ID.


pb_query_result_request (QueryResultRequest) –


QueryResultConfirmedRequest with list of results.

class supa.job.query.QuerySummaryJob(pb_query_request: QueryRequest)

Handle query summary requests.

classmethod recover() List[Job]

Recover QuerySummaryJob’s that did not get to run before SuPA was terminated.

As no query summary request details are stored in the database (at this time), it is not possible to recover QuerySummaryJob’s.


List of QuerySummaryJob’s that still need to be run (currently always empty List).

trigger() DateTrigger

Trigger for QuerySummaryJob’s.


DateTrigger set to None, which means run now.

class supa.job.query.QueryRecursiveJob(pb_query_request: QueryRequest)

Handle query recursive requests.

classmethod recover() List[Job]

Recover QueryRecursiveJob’s that did not get to run before SuPA was terminated.

As no query recursive request details are stored in the database (at this time), it is not possible to recover QueryRecursiveJob’s.


List of QueryRecursiveJob’s that still need to be run (currently always empty List).

trigger() DateTrigger

Trigger for QueryRecursiveJob’s.


DateTrigger set to None, which means run now.

class supa.job.query.QueryNotificationJob(pb_query_notification_request: QueryNotificationRequest)

Handle query notification requests.

classmethod recover() List[Job]

Recover QueryNotificationJob’s that did not get to run before SuPA was terminated.

As no query notification request details are stored in the database (at this time), it is not possible to recover QueryNotificationJob’s.


List of QueryNotificationJob’s that still need to be run (currently always empty List).

trigger() DateTrigger

Trigger for QueryNotificationJob’s.


DateTrigger set to None, which means run now.

class supa.job.query.QueryResultJob(pb_query_result_request: QueryResultRequest)

Handle query result requests.

classmethod recover() List[Job]

Recover QueryResultJob’s that did not get to run before SuPA was terminated.

As no query result request details are stored in the database (at this time), it is not possible to recover QueryResultJob’s.


List of QueryResultJob’s that still need to be run (currently always empty List).

trigger() DateTrigger

Trigger for QueryResultJob’s.


DateTrigger set to None, which means run now.


class supa.job.dataplane.ActivateJob(connection_id: UUID)

Handle data plane activation requests.

classmethod recover() List[Job]

Recover ActivationJob’s that did not get to run before SuPA was terminated.

Only include jobs for reservations that are still supposed to have its data plane activated according to their lifecycle state and end time.


List of ActivationJob’s that still need to be run.

trigger() DateTrigger

Trigger for ActivateJob’s.


DateTrigger set to start_time of reservation.

class supa.job.dataplane.DeactivateJob(connection_id: UUID)

Handle data plane deactivation requests.

classmethod recover() List[Job]

Recover DeactivationJob’s that did not get to run before SuPA was terminated.

Also include jobs for reservations that are passed end time to ensue date plane is deactivated, hence reservations are not filtered on lifecycle state or end time.


List of DeactivationJob’s that still need to be run.

trigger() DateTrigger

Trigger for DeactivateJob’s.


DateTrigger set to None if (run immediately) if reservation is released or not active anymore or to end_time otherwise (end_time can be in the past when recovering).

class supa.job.dataplane.AutoStartJob(connection_id: UUID)

Handle automatic activation of data plane when start time is reached.

classmethod recover() List[Job]

Recover AutoStartJob’s that did not get to run before SuPA was terminated.

Only include jobs for reservations that are still supposed to have its data plane activated according to their lifecycle state and end time.


List of AutoStartJob’s that still need to be run.

trigger() DateTrigger

Trigger for AutoStartJob’s.


AutoStart set to start_time of reservation.

class supa.job.dataplane.AutoEndJob(connection_id: UUID)

Handle automatic deactivation of data plane when end time is reached.

classmethod recover() List[Job]

Recover AutoEndJob’s that did not get to run before SuPA was terminated.


List of AutoEndJob’s that still need to be run.

trigger() DateTrigger

Trigger for AutoEndJob’s.


AutoEnd set to end_time of reservation.


Define the three NSI Connection Service state machines.

The NSI Connection Service defines three state machines that, together with the message processing functions (=coordinator functions in NSI parlance), model the behaviour of the protocol.

They are:

The state machines explicitly regulate the sequence in which messages are processed. The CS messages are each assigned to one of the three state machines: RSM, PSM and LSM. When the first reserve request for a new Connection is received, the function processing the reserve requests MUST coordinate the creation of the RSM, PSM and LSM state machines for that specific connection.

The RSM and LSM MUST be instantiated as soon as the first Connection request is received.

The PSM MUST be instantiated as soon as the first version of the reservation is committed.

class supa.connection.fsm.SuPAStateMachine(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Add logging capabilities to StateMachine.

on_enter_state(state: State) None

Statemachine will call this function on every state transition.

class supa.connection.fsm.ReservationStateMachine(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Reservation State Machine.

class supa.connection.fsm.ProvisionStateMachine(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Provision State Machine.

class supa.connection.fsm.LifecycleStateMachine(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Lifecycle State Machine.

class supa.connection.fsm.DataPlaneStateMachine(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

DataPlane State Machine.



Predefined NSI errors.

The errors are not defined in the NSI Connection Service v2.1 specification. Instead there is a separate document Error Handling in NSI CS 2.1 that specifies these errors.

Not all errors might be applicable to SuPA’s operation, it being a Provider Agent, though all have been included for reference.

Predefined NSI errors








Illegal message payload.




Invalid or missing parameter.




Provided parameter contains an unsupported value that MUST be processed.




Requested feature has not been implemented.




The protocol version requested is not supported.




A connection error has occurred.




Connection state machine is in invalid state for received message.




Schedule does not exist for connectionId.




A security error has occurred.




Insufficient authorization to perform requested operation.




A topology or generic path computation error has occurred.




Unknown network for requested resource.




Cannot map networkId to service interface.




No service plane path for selected connection segments.




An internal error has caused a message processing failure.




Child connection segment error is present.




Failed message delivery to peer NSA.




A requested resource(s) is not available.




A service specific error has occurred.




Could not find STP in topology database.




Label swapping not supported for requested path.




Specified STP already in use.




Insufficient capacity available for reservation.




Directionality of specified STP does not match request directionality.




Invalid ERO member detected.




Specified STP contains an unknown label type.




Specified STP contains an invalid label.




Path computation failed to resolve route for reservation.




An internal (N)RM error has caused a message processing failure.

class supa.connection.error.Variable(value)

Variable to namespace mapping.

This is a peculiarity of the original SOAP underpinning of the NSI protocol. Even though all that is XML has largely been abstracted away from us by using the Protobuf version of NSI, we still need to track certain things to facilitate a proper translation between the two protocol versions. The namespace associated with each variable (in the ServiceException`) is such a thing.

class supa.connection.error.NsiError(error_id: str, error_code: str, descriptive_text: str)

Predefined NSI errors.

Reporting of these errors happens as part of the ServiceException message.

The text field of the ServiceException should be made up of three parts:

error_code: descriptive_text [extra information]
error_id: str

An unique ID for the error.

The error_id can optionally be included in the ServiceException.

error_code: str

Human readable name of the error.

The error_code should always be included in the ServiceException.

descriptive_text: str

Descriptive text explaining the error.

The text should always be included in the ServiceException.


Module with function for communication with the PolyNSI connection requester.

supa.connection.requester.get_stub() ConnectionRequesterStub

Get the connection requester stub.


Implementation of the gRPC based Connection Provider Service.

class supa.connection.provider.server.ConnectionProviderService

Implementation of the gRPC Connection Provider Service.

Each of the methods in this class corresponds to gRPC defined rpc calls in the connection.provider gPRC package.

Reserve(pb_reserve_request: ReserveRequest, context: ServicerContext) ReserveResponse

Request new reservation, or modify existing reservation.

The reserve message is sent from an RA to a PA when a new reservation is being requested, or a modification to an existing reservation is required. The ReserveResponse indicates that the PA has accepted the reservation request for processing and has assigned it the returned connectionId. The original connection_id will be returned for the ReserveResponse` of a modification. A ReserveConfirmed or ReserveFailed message will be sent asynchronously to the RA when reserve operation has completed processing.

  • pb_reserve_request – All the details about the requested reservation.

  • context – gRPC server context object.


A ReserveResponse message containing the PA assigned connection_id for this reservation request. This value will be unique within the context of the PA.

ReserveCommit(pb_reserve_commit_request: GenericRequest, context: ServicerContext) GenericAcknowledgment

Commit reservation.

Check if the connection ID exists and if the reservation state machine transition is allowed, all real work for committing the reservation is done asynchronously by ReserveCommitJob

  • pb_reserve_commit_request – Basically the connection_id wrapped in a request like object

  • context – gRPC server context object.


A response telling the caller we have received its commit request.

ReserveAbort(pb_reserve_abort_request: GenericRequest, context: ServicerContext) GenericAcknowledgment

Abort reservation.

Check if the connection ID exists and if the reservation state machine transition is allowed, all real work for aborting the reservation is done asynchronously by ReserveAbortJob

  • pb_reserve_abort_request – Basically the connection wrapped in a request like object

  • context – gRPC server context object.


A response telling the caller we have received its abort request.

Provision(pb_provision_request: GenericRequest, context: ServicerContext) GenericAcknowledgment

Provision reservation.

Check if the connection ID exists, if the provision state machine exists (as an indication that the reservation was committed), and if the provision state machine transition is allowed, all real work for provisioning the reservation is done asynchronously by ProvisionJob

  • pb_provision_request – Basically the connection id wrapped in a request like object

  • context – gRPC server context object.


A response telling the caller we have received its provision request.

Release(pb_release_request: GenericRequest, context: ServicerContext) GenericAcknowledgment

Release reservation.

Check if the connection ID exists, if the provision state machine exists (as an indication that the reservation was committed), and if the provision state machine transition is allowed, all real work for releasing the reservation is done asynchronously by ReleaseJob

  • pb_release_request – Basically the connection id wrapped in a request like object

  • context – gRPC server context object.


A response telling the caller we have received its release request.

Terminate(pb_terminate_request: GenericRequest, context: ServicerContext) GenericAcknowledgment

Terminate reservation.

Check if the connection ID exists and if the lifecycle state machine transition is allowed, all real work for terminating the reservation is done asynchronously by TerminateJob

  • pb_terminate_request – Basically the connection id wrapped in a request like object

  • context – gRPC server context object.


A response telling the caller we have received its terminate request.

QuerySummary(pb_query_request: QueryRequest, context: ServicerContext) GenericAcknowledgment

Query reservation(s) summary.

Start an QuerySummaryJob to gather and return all requested information.

  • pb_query_request – protobuf query request message

  • context – gRPC server context object.


A response telling the caller we have received its query request.

QuerySummarySync(pb_query_request: QueryRequest, context: ServicerContext) QueryConfirmedRequest

Query reservation(s) summary and synchronously return result.

  • pb_query_request – protobuf query request message

  • context – gRPC server context object.


The matching reservation information.

QueryRecursive(pb_query_request: QueryRequest, context: ServicerContext) GenericAcknowledgment

Query recursive reservation(s) summary.

Start an QueryRecursiveJob to gather and return all requested information.

  • pb_query_request – protobuf query request message

  • context – gRPC server context object.


A response telling the caller we have received its query request.

QueryNotification(pb_query_notification_request: QueryNotificationRequest, context: ServicerContext) GenericAcknowledgment

Query notification(s).

Start an QueryNotificationJob to gather and return all requested information.

  • pb_query_notification_request – protobuf query notification request message

  • context – gRPC server context object.


A response telling the caller we have received its query request.

QueryNotificationSync(pb_query_notification_request: QueryNotificationRequest, context: ServicerContext) QueryNotificationConfirmedRequest

Return a QueryNotificationConfirmedRequest bypassing the usual Response message.

  • pb_query_notification_request – protobuf query notification request message

  • context – gRPC server context object.


A response containing the requested notifications for this connection ID.

QueryResult(pb_query_result_request: QueryResultRequest, context: ServicerContext) GenericAcknowledgment

Query result(s).

Start an QueryResultJob to gather and return all requested information.

  • pb_query_result_request – protobuf query result request message

  • context – gRPC server context object.


A response telling the caller we have received its query request.

QueryResultSync(pb_query_result_request: QueryResultRequest, context: ServicerContext) QueryResultConfirmedRequest

Return a QueryResultConfirmedRequest bypassing the usual Response message.

  • pb_query_result_request – protobuf query result request message

  • context – gRPC server context object.


A response containing the requested results for this connection ID.


supa.util.bandwidth.format_bandwidth(mbits: int, *, short: bool = False) str

Format bandwidth with unit designator (eg, Mbit/s or M).

  • It supports units up to and including Petabit.

  • If it cannot convert the number to an integral one, it will allow for 1 decimal.

  • Negative bandwidths will always return 0 Mbit/s or 0 M


>>> format_bandwidth(40)
'40 Mbit/s'
>>> format_bandwidth(40, short=True)
>>> format_bandwidth(10000)
'10 Gbit/s'
>>> format_bandwidth(10000, short=True)
>>> format_bandwidth(1300)
'1.3 Gbit/s'
>>> format_bandwidth(0)
'0 Mbit/s'
>>> format_bandwidth(-100)
'0 Mbit/s'
  • mbits – number of mbits

  • short – boolean indicating whether to use ‘M’, ‘G’ or ‘Mbit/s’ or ‘Gbit/s’, etc


Formatted number with unit designator.


Converter functions for converting data to and from Protobuf messages.

supa.util.converter.to_header(reservation: Reservation, *, add_path_segment: bool = False) Header

Create Protobuf Header out of DB stored reservation data.


Using a DB model can be tricky. This function should either be called within a active SQLAlchemy session. Or it should be called with a Reservation model that has been detached for a session. In case of the latter one should make sure that all relations have been eagerly loaded, as a detached model has no ability to load unload attributes.

See also: https://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/13/orm/session_state_management.html#session-object-states

  • reservation – DB model

  • add_path_segment – Should we add our own Segment to the PathTrace?


A Protobuf Header object.

supa.util.converter.to_connection_states(reservation: Reservation, *, data_plane_active: bool = False) ConnectionStates

Create Protobuf ConnectionStates out of DB stored reservation data.

See Also: warning in to_header()

  • reservation – DB model

  • data_plane_active – Whether the data plane is active or not.


A Protobuf ConnectionStates object.

supa.util.converter.to_service_exception(nsi_exc: NsiException, connection_id: UUID | None = None) ServiceException

Create Protobuf ServiceException out of an NsiException.

  • nsi_exc – The NsiException to convert.

  • connection_id – The connnection_id of the Reservation the exception pertains to.


A ServiceException.

supa.util.converter.to_schedule(reservation: Reservation) Schedule

Create Protobuf Schedule out of DB stored reservation data.

See Also: warning in to_header()


reservation – DB model


A Schedule object.

supa.util.converter.to_p2p_service(reservation: Reservation) PointToPointService

Create Protobuf PointToPointService out of DB stored reservation data.

See Also: warning in to_header()


reservation – DB Model


A PointToPointService object.

supa.util.converter.to_confirm_criteria(reservation: Reservation) ReservationConfirmCriteria

Create Protobuf ReservationConfirmCriteria out of DB stored reservation data.


reservation – DB Model


A ReservationConfirmCriteria object.

supa.util.converter.to_criteria(reservation: Reservation) QueryResultCriteria

Create Protobuf QueryResultCriteria out of DB stored reservation data.


reservation – DB Model


A QueryResultCriteria object.

supa.util.converter.to_response_header(request_header: Header) Header

Create Protobuf response Header out of a Protobuf request Header.

The reply_to field holds the Requester NSA’s SOAP endpoint address to which asynchronous messages associated with this operation request will be delivered. This is only populated for the original operation request (reserve, provision, release, terminate and query), and not for any additional messaging associated with the operation.


request_header – Protobuf Header from request messsage.


A Header copy of the input with reply_to cleared.

supa.util.converter.to_error_request(request_header: Header, nsi_exc: NsiException, connection_id: UUID) ErrorRequest

Return a NSI ErrorRequest referencing the request correlation_id together with details from the NsiException.

The error message is sent from a PA to an RA in response to an outstanding operation request when an error condition encountered, and as a result, the operation cannot be successfully completed. The correlationId carried in the NSI CS header structure will identify the original request associated with this error message.

supa.util.converter.to_notification_header(reservation: Reservation) Notification

Return new notification with unique id in the context of the reservation.

supa.util.converter.to_data_plane_state_change_request(reservation: Reservation) DataPlaneStateChangeRequest

Return a NSI dataPlaneStateChange notification.

The dataPlaneStateChange is an autonomous notification sent from a PA to an RA to inform about a change in status of the data plane.

supa.util.converter.to_error_event(reservation: Reservation, nsi_exc: NsiException, event: int) ErrorEventRequest

Return a NSI Error Event notification.

An Error Event is an autonomous message issued from a Provider NSA to a Requester NSA when an existing reservation encounters an autonomous error condition such as being administratively terminated before the reservation’s scheduled end-time.

supa.util.converter.to_activate_failed_event(reservation: Reservation, nsi_exc: NsiException) ErrorEventRequest

Return a NSI Error Event of type Activate Failed.

supa.util.converter.to_deactivate_failed_event(reservation: Reservation, nsi_exc: NsiException) ErrorEventRequest

Return a NSI Error Event of type Deactivate Failed.

supa.util.converter.to_dataplane_error_event(reservation: Reservation, nsi_exc: NsiException) ErrorEventRequest

Return a NSI Error Event of type Dataplane Error.

supa.util.converter.to_forced_end_event(reservation: Reservation, nsi_exc: NsiException) ErrorEventRequest

Return a NSI Error Event of type Forced End.

supa.util.converter.to_generic_confirmed_request(reservation: Reservation) GenericConfirmedRequest

Create a protobuf generic confirmed request from a Reservation.

supa.util.converter.to_generic_failed_request(reservation: Reservation, nsi_exc: NsiException) GenericFailedRequest

Create a protobuf generic failed request from a Reservation and NsiException.


Assorted helper functions and datastructures for dealing with timestamps.

supa.util.timestamp.EPOCH = datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc)

The epoch as an aware datetime object.

When using protobuf you can not distinguish between no value specified and the default value. For Protobuf Timestamp fields the default value is 0 seconds since the epoch. However we deal with datetime objects exclusively. So we need the epoch as a datetime object.

supa.util.timestamp.NO_END_DATE = datetime.datetime(2108, 1, 1, 0, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc)

A sufficiently far into the future date to be considered no end date

Date/time calculations are easier when we have an actual date to work with. Hence, to model “no end date” we need to come up with a date that is far enough into the future to be considered “forever”. Randomly picking a large number for the year of such a date feels inappropriate; we can be a lot more geeky about it than that.

So, a somewhat geeky candidate is the first prime number after (the year) 2020. That happens to be 2081; 61 years into the future. Although we have high hopes for SuPA, we don’t expect it to last that long. As such, it does meet the criterion to be considered “forever”. But the fact that it starts with “20xx might not make it immediately obvious that this is the “no end date” date.

If we shuffle a bit with the digits of that prime number we get 2108. A date that starts with “21xx” should make it sufficiently different from all the other real end dates. On top of that it is a somewhat a geeky date as well. That is, if you like (military) SciFi and have read The Frontlines Series by Marko Kloos, which is set in the year 2108. All criteria have now been met.

supa.util.timestamp.current_timestamp() datetime

Return an “aware” UTC timestamp for “now”.


An “aware” UTC timestamp.

supa.util.timestamp.as_utc_timestamp(timestamp: Timestamp) datetime

Convert Protobuf timestamp to an UTC datetime object.


timestamp – Protobuf timestamp


“aware” UTC datetime object

supa.util.timestamp.is_specified(timestamp: datetime) bool

Test to see if the timestamp is specified.

In the context of Protobuf Timestamps we consider a timestamp (previously converted to datetime) to be “specified” if it is larger than the default value for Timestamps. That default value being EPOCH.


timestamp – timestamp under test.


True if timestamp > EPOC


NSI specific functions and datastructures.

supa.util.nsi.URN_PREFIX = 'urn:ogf:network'

URN namespace for Network Resources.

class supa.util.nsi.Stp(domain: str, topology: str, stp_id: str, labels: str | None)

Dataclass for representing the constituent parts of an STP identifier.

property vlan_ranges: VlanRanges

Return the vlan ranges specified on the STP.

A single If no vlan ranges where specified on the STP, this will return an “empty” VlanRanges object. Such an object will evaluate to False in a boolean context.


A VlanRanges object.

supa.util.nsi.parse_stp(stp: str) Stp

Parse STP identifier in its constituent parts.


stp – Identifier of the STP


Stp dataclass

Return type:



VlanRanges object for easy VLAN ranges processing.

class supa.util.vlan.VlanRanges(val: str | int | Iterable[int] | Sequence[Sequence[int]] | None = None)

Represent VLAN ranges.

This class is quite liberal in what it accepts as valid VLAN ranges. All of:

  • overlapping ranges

  • ranges with start value > stop value

  • ranges with extraneous whitespace

are all accepted and normalized to a canonical value.


# These are all equivalent
VlanRanges("4,  ,11 - 14, 10-  12")
VlanRanges([4, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14])
VlanRanges([[4], [10,12], [11,14]])
VlanRanges([(4, 4), (10, 14)])


This class support most set operations.

to_list_of_tuples() List[Tuple[int, int]]

Construct list of tuples representing the VLAN ranges.


>>> VlanRanges("10 - 12, 8").to_list_of_tuples()
[(8, 8), (10, 12)]

The VLAN ranges as contained in this object.

__contains__(key: object) bool

Membership test.

__iter__() Iterator[int]

Return an iterator that iterates over all the VLANs.

__len__() int

Return the number of VLANs represented by this VlanRanges object.


Number of VLAN’s

__str__() str

Create an as compact as possible string representation of VLAN ranges.


>>> str(VlanRanges("1,2,3,4,5-10,8"))
__repr__() str

Create string representation of the VLAN ranges that can be used as a valid Python expression.


>>> repr(VlanRanges("1,2,3,4,5-10,8"))
'VlanRanges([(1, 10)])'
__eq__(o: object) bool

Test for equality.

__hash__() int

Calculate hash value.

__sub__(other: int | AbstractSet[Any]) VlanRanges

Remove VLANs from left operand that are in the right operand.


>>> VlanRanges("1-10") - VlanRanges("5-8")
VlanRanges([(1, 4), (9, 10)])
__and__(other: AbstractSet[Any]) VlanRanges

Intersection of two VlanRanges objects.


>>> VlanRanges("10-20") & VlanRanges("20-30")
VlanRanges([(20, 20)])
__or__(other: AbstractSet[Any]) VlanRanges

Union of two VlanRanges objects.


>>> VlanRanges("10-20") | VlanRanges("20-30")
VlanRanges([(10, 30)])
__xor__(other: AbstractSet[Any]) VlanRanges

Symmetric difference of two VlanRanges objects.


>>> VlanRanges("10-20") ^ VlanRanges("20-30")
VlanRanges([(10, 19), (21, 30)])
isdisjoint(other: Iterable[Any]) bool

Return True if the VlanRanges object has no VLANs in common with the other VlanRanges object.

union(*others: AbstractSet[Any]) VlanRanges

Union of two or more VlanRanges objects.

This does work with sets as well.


>>> VlanRanges("10-20").union(VlanRanges("20-30"), {1,2,3,4})
VlanRanges([(1, 4), (10, 30)])


Assorted helper functions for representing the same data in different ways.

supa.util.functional.expand_ranges(ranges: Sequence[Sequence[int]], inclusive: bool = False) List[int]

Expand sequence of range definitions into sorted and deduplicated list of individual values.

A range definition is either a:

  • one element sequence -> an individual value.

  • two element sequence -> a range of values (either inclusive or exclusive).

>>> expand_ranges([[1], [2], [10, 12]])
[1, 2, 10, 11]
>>> expand_ranges([[1], [2], [10, 12]], inclusive=True)
[1, 2, 10, 11, 12]
>>> expand_ranges([[]])
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Expected 1 or 2 element list for range definition. Got f0 element list instead.

Resulting list is sorted:

>>> expand_ranges([[100], [1, 4]], inclusive=True)
[1, 2, 3, 4, 100]
  • ranges – sequence of range definitions

  • inclusive – are the stop values of the range definition inclusive or exclusive.


Sorted deduplicated list of individual values.


ValueError – if range definition is not a one or two element sequence.

supa.util.functional.to_ranges(i: Iterable[int]) Iterable[range]

Convert a sorted iterable of ints to an iterable of range objects.


The iterable passed in should be sorted and not contain duplicate elements.

>>> list(to_ranges([2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 45, 46, 47, 49, 51, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61]))
[range(2, 6), range(7, 10), range(45, 48), range(49, 50), range(51, 52), range(53, 62)]

i – sorted iterable


range object for each consecutive set of integers


Utilities to find files and directories.

supa.util.find.find_file(pathname: str | Path) Path

Find file ‘pathname’ along sys.path.

supa.util.find.find_directory(pathname: str | Path) Path

Find directory ‘pathname’ along sys.path.


Handy types to keep things sane.

class supa.util.type.ResultType(value)

Capture the set of valid results as returned by QueryResult.

class supa.util.type.NotificationType(value)

Capture the set of valid notifications as returned by QueryNotification.


class supa.nrm.backend.STP(stp_id: str, port_id: str, vlans: str, description: str = '', is_alias_in: str = '', is_alias_out: str = '', bandwidth: int = 1000000000, enabled: bool = True, topology: str = 'topology')

Properties of a Network Serivce Interface Service Termination Point.

The topology property is a placeholder for future multiple topology support.

class supa.nrm.backend.BaseBackend

Default backend interface to Network Resource Manager.

Backend interface between the following NSI primitives and the local NRM:

reserve, reserve_timeout, reserve_commit, reserve_abort, provision, release, activate, deactivate and terminate

The arguments for all methods are the same and all return an optional circuit_id if one was generated at this stage of the connections lifecycle. Except for the reserve() all other methods have an additional circuit_id argument that is set to the most recent returned circuit_id. For example the reserve_commit():

def reserve_commit(

self, connection_id: UUID, bandwidth: int, src_port_id: str, src_vlan: int, dst_port_id: str, dst_vlan: int, circuit_id: str,

) -> Optional[str]:

An additional method topology() will be called just before the topology document is created and will return a list of STP’s that are exposed by the NRM. When no backend is specified, or the manual_topology option is set, topology() will just return the STP’s as configured through the SuPA CLI.

reserve(connection_id: UUID, bandwidth: int, src_port_id: str, src_vlan: int, dst_port_id: str, dst_vlan: int) str | None

Reserve resources in NRM.

reserve_timeout(connection_id: UUID, bandwidth: int, src_port_id: str, src_vlan: int, dst_port_id: str, dst_vlan: int, circuit_id: str) str | None

Reserve timeout resources in NRM.

reserve_commit(connection_id: UUID, bandwidth: int, src_port_id: str, src_vlan: int, dst_port_id: str, dst_vlan: int, circuit_id: str) str | None

Reserve commit resources in NRM.

reserve_abort(connection_id: UUID, bandwidth: int, src_port_id: str, src_vlan: int, dst_port_id: str, dst_vlan: int, circuit_id: str) str | None

Reserve abort resources in NRM.

provision(connection_id: UUID, bandwidth: int, src_port_id: str, src_vlan: int, dst_port_id: str, dst_vlan: int, circuit_id: str) str | None

Provision resources in NRM.

release(connection_id: UUID, bandwidth: int, src_port_id: str, src_vlan: int, dst_port_id: str, dst_vlan: int, circuit_id: str) str | None

Release resources in NRM.

activate(connection_id: UUID, bandwidth: int, src_port_id: str, src_vlan: int, dst_port_id: str, dst_vlan: int, circuit_id: str) str | None

Activate resources in NRM.

deactivate(connection_id: UUID, bandwidth: int, src_port_id: str, src_vlan: int, dst_port_id: str, dst_vlan: int, circuit_id: str) str | None

Deactivate resources in NRM.

terminate(connection_id: UUID, bandwidth: int, src_port_id: str, src_vlan: int, dst_port_id: str, dst_vlan: int, circuit_id: str) str | None

Terminate resources in NRM.

topology() List[STP]

Get the list of exposed STP’s from NRM.

Because this is a placeholder just return the STP’s configured in the Topology table.


class supa.nrm.backends.example.BackendSettings(_env_file: str | PathLike | List[str | PathLike] | Tuple[str | PathLike, ...] | None = '<object object>', _env_file_encoding: str | None = None, _env_nested_delimiter: str | None = None, _secrets_dir: str | PathLike | None = None, *, host: str = 'localhost', port: int = 80)

Backend settings with default values.

See also: the src/supa/nrm/backends/example.env file

class supa.nrm.backends.example.Backend

Example backend interface.

Only implement the calls that are needed to interface with the NRM.


class supa.nrm.backends.surf.BackendSettings(_env_file: str | PathLike | List[str | PathLike] | Tuple[str | PathLike, ...] | None = '<object object>', _env_file_encoding: str | None = None, _env_nested_delimiter: str | None = None, _secrets_dir: str | PathLike | None = None, *, host: str = 'http://localhost', oauth2_active: bool = False, oidc_url: str = '', oidc_user: str = '', oidc_password: str = '', create_workflow_name: str = '', terminate_workflow_name: str = '', customer_id: str = '', product_id: str = '')

Backend settings with default values.

See also: the src/supa/nrm/backends/surf.env file

class supa.nrm.backends.surf.Backend

SURF backend interface to workflow orchestrator.

activate(connection_id: UUID, bandwidth: int, src_port_id: str, src_vlan: int, dst_port_id: str, dst_vlan: int, circuit_id: str) str

Activate resources in NRM.

deactivate(connection_id: UUID, bandwidth: int, src_port_id: str, src_vlan: int, dst_port_id: str, dst_vlan: int, circuit_id: str) None

Deactivate resources in NRM.

topology() List[STP]

Get exposed topology from NRM.


Generate a NSI discovery document.

Example discovery document:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='iso-8859-1'?>
<nsa:nsa xmlns:nsa="http://schemas.ogf.org/nsi/2014/02/discovery/nsa"
  <name>My uPA</name>
        <vcard:text>Firstname Lastname</vcard:text>
  <feature type="vnd.ogf.nsi.cs.v2.role.uPA"/>
class supa.documents.discovery.DiscoveryEndpoint

A cherryPy application to generate a NSI discovery document.

index() str | bytes

Index returns the generated NSI discovery document.


Generate a NSI topology document.

Example topology document:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='iso-8859-1'?>
<ns3:Topology xmlns:ns3="http://schemas.ogf.org/nml/2013/05/base#"

  <ns3:name>example.domain topology</ns3:name>

  <ns3:BidirectionalPort id="urn:ogf:network:example.domain:2001:topology:port1">
    <ns3:name>port description</ns3:name>
    <ns3:PortGroup id="urn:ogf:network:example.domain:2001:topology:port1:in"/>
    <ns3:PortGroup id="urn:ogf:network:example.domain:2001:topology:port1:out"/>

  <ns5:serviceDefinition id="urn:ogf:network:example.domain:2001:topology:sd:EVTS.A-GOLE">
    <name>GLIF Automated GOLE Ethernet VLAN Transfer Service</name>
  <ns3:Relation type="http://schemas.ogf.org/nml/2013/05/base#hasService">
    <ns3:SwitchingService encoding="http://schemas.ogf.org/nml/2012/10/ethernet"
      <ns3:Relation type="http://schemas.ogf.org/nml/2013/05/base#hasInboundPort">
        <ns3:PortGroup id="urn:ogf:network:example.domain:2001:topology:port1:in"/>
      <ns3:Relation type="http://schemas.ogf.org/nml/2013/05/base#hasOutboundPort">
        <ns3:PortGroup id="urn:ogf:network:example.domain:2001:topology:port1:out"/>
      <ns5:serviceDefinition id="urn:ogf:network:example.domain:2001:topology:sd:EVTS.A-GOLE"/>

  <ns3:Relation type="http://schemas.ogf.org/nml/2013/05/base#hasInboundPort">
    <ns3:PortGroup encoding="http://schemas.ogf.org/nml/2012/10/ethernet"
      <ns3:LabelGroup labeltype="http://schemas.ogf.org/nml/2012/10/ethernet#vlan">1779-1799</ns3:LabelGroup>
  <ns3:Relation type="http://schemas.ogf.org/nml/2013/05/base#hasOutboundPort">
    <ns3:PortGroup encoding="http://schemas.ogf.org/nml/2012/10/ethernet"
      <ns3:LabelGroup labeltype="http://schemas.ogf.org/nml/2012/10/ethernet#vlan">1779-1799</ns3:LabelGroup>

supa.documents.topology.refresh_topology() None

Refresh list of STP’s in the database with topology from NRM.

Skip refresh if configured for manual topology, also skip if topology has been refreshed withing topology_freshness seconds.

class supa.documents.topology.TopologyEndpoint

A cherryPy application to generate a NSI topology document.

index() str | bytes

Index returns the generated NSI topology document.


Healthcheck endpoint.

class supa.documents.healthcheck.HealthcheckEndpoint

A cherryPy application to generate a healthcheck document.

index() str | bytes

Index returns the generated healthcheck document.