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Docker compose installation instructions

How to run the orchestrator-core and orchestrator-core-gui with Docker Compose is described in the steps below. The following Docker images are used:

Step 1 - Prepare environment

First create the folder to hold the example orchestrator that is being build during this workshop. Then copy the docker-compose.yml and orchestrator-core-gui.env to control and configure the environment, and copy a that contains a rudimentary orchestrator application.

mkdir example-orchestrator
cd example-orchestrator
curl --remote-name
curl --remote-name
curl --remote-name

Commit the copied files to a local git repository:

git init --initial-branch main
git config --local ""
git config --local "Your Name"
git add .
git commit -m "Initial commit"

Note that your local git repository must contain at least one commit because otherwise the database initializations step below will fail.

Step 2 - Start environment

Docker compose will take care of all necessary initialization and startup of the database, orchestrator and GUI:

  1. the busybox container creates the folder db_data, if not yet present
  2. then a postgres container creates a database, if it does not exist already, after which the database server is started
  3. an orchestrator container is used to initialize the database, if not already initialized, and creates an alembic.ini file and a migrations folder for the database migrations
  4. a second run of the orchestrator container will upgrade the database to the latest heads, and will do so everytime the environment is started
  5. then a third run of the orchestrator container will use to run the orchestrator
  6. finally, the GUI is started in the orchestrator-core-gui container
docker compose up

Step 3 - Open a browser

Now point a browser to:

and have a look around.


Once opened in the browser, ignore the message about the CRM not being responsive, this workshop does not include the setup of an interface to a CRM, fake customers IDs will be used instead.