GraphQL documentation
The orchestrator-core
comes with a graphql interface that can to be registered after you create your OrchestratorApp.
If you add it after registering your SUBSCRIPTION_MODEL_REGISTRY
it will automatically create graphql types for them.
app = OrchestratorCore(base_settings=AppSettings())
Extending the Query and Mutation
You are not able to remove resolvers from a Query, so we split the Query into 2 and merged them back for a default Query. Our usecase for this is that we use an external graphql source as our customers root.
all resolvers except for customers.CustomerQuery
only hascustomers
Merges ofOrchestratorQuery
and serves as the default.
This is an basic example of how to extend the query. You can do the same to extend Mutation.
from orchestrator.graphql import Query, Mutation, OrchestratorQuery
# Queries
def resolve_new(info) -> str:
return "resolve new..."
# with customers.
@strawberry.federation.type(description="Orchestrator queries")
class NewQuery(Query):
other_processes: Connection[ProcessType] = authenticated_field(
description="resolve_processes used for another field",
new: str = strawberry.field(resolve_new, description="new resolver")
# without customers.
@strawberry.federation.type(description="Orchestrator queries")
class NewQueryWithoutCustomers(OrchestratorQuery):
other_processes: Connection[ProcessType] = authenticated_field(
description="resolve_processes used for another field",
new: str = strawberry.field(resolve_new, description="new resolver")
app = OrchestratorCore(base_settings=AppSettings())
Adding federated types to the graphql
federation introduction:
Within a federation, it is possible to add orchestrator data to graphql types from other sources by extending the DEFAULT_GRAPHL_MODELS
dictionary with your own federated classes and adding them as parameter to app.register_graphql(graphql_models={})
. Here is an example for when instead of overriding the customers resolver, you instead use a different graphql source (know that not storing any customer data in the orchestator will make filtering and sorting unavailable and very tricky to implement):
import strawberry
from sqlalchemy import select
from oauth2_lib.strawberry import authenticated_field
from orchestrator.db import db
from orchestrator.graphql.pagination import Connection
from orchestrator.graphql.schemas.subscription import SubscriptionInterface
from orchestrator.graphql.types import GraphqlFilter, GraphqlSort, OrchestratorInfo
@strawberry.federation.type(description="Customer", keys=["customer_id"])
class Customer:
customer_id: str
async def resolve_reference(cls, customer_id: str) -> "Customer": # noqa: N803
return Customer(customer_id=customer_id)
@authenticated_field(description="Returns subscriptions of a customer") # type: ignore
async def subscriptions(
info: OrchestratorInfo,
filter_by: list[GraphqlFilter] | None = None,
sort_by: list[GraphqlSort] | None = None,
first: int = 10,
after: int = 0,
) -> Connection[SubscriptionInterface]:
from orchestrator.graphql.resolvers.subscription import resolve_subscriptions
filter_by_customer_id = (filter_by or []) + [GraphqlFilter(field="customerId", value=str(self.uuid))] # type: ignore
return await resolve_subscriptions(info, filter_by_customer_id, sort_by, first, after)
"Customer": Customer,
app.register_graphql(query=OrchestratorQuery, graphql_models=UPDATED_GRAPHQL_MODELS)
Types that are added in this way but aren't used in a resolver, will be viewable outside of a federation inside the types in the graphql ui interface.
Adding product or product block strawberry types to the graphql_models
will skip their generation inside register_domain_models
. More info here
Add Json schema for metadata
The metadata in a subscription is completely unrestricted and can have anything.
This functionality is to make metadata descriptive in a __schema__
for the frontend to be able to render the metadata and know what to do with typing.
example how to update the __schema__
from orchestrator.graphql.schemas.subscription import MetadataDict
class Metadata(BaseModel):
some_metadata_prop: list[str]
MetadataDict.update({"metadata": Metadata})
This will result in json schema:
"title": "Metadata",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"some_metadata_prop": {
"title": "Some Metadata Prop",
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"required": [
Domain Models Auto Registration for GraphQL
When using the app.register_graphql()
function, all products in the SUBSCRIPTION_MODEL_REGISTRY
will be automatically converted into GraphQL types.
You are able to turn this off with app.register_graphql(register_models=False)
, but then you can only query fields from the default SubscriptionModel
The registration process iterates through the list, starting from the deepest product block and working its way back up to the product level.
However, there is a potential issue when dealing with a ProductBlock
that references itself, as it could lead to an error expecting the ProductBlock
type to exist.
Here is an example of the expected error with a self referenced ProductBlock
strawberry.experimental.pydantic.exceptions.UnregisteredTypeException: Cannot find a Strawberry Type for <class 'products.product_blocks.product_block_file.ProductBlock'> did you forget to register it?
To handle this situation, you must manually create the GraphQL type for that ProductBlock
and add it to the DEFAULT_GRAPHQL_MODELS
Here's an example of how to do it:
import strawberry
from typing import Annotated
from app.product_blocks import ProductBlock
from orchestrator.graphql import DEFAULT_GRAPHQL_MODELS
# It is necessary to use pydantic type, so that other product blocks can recognize it when typing to GraphQL.
class ProductBlockGraphql:
self_reference_block: Annotated[
"ProductBlockGraphql", strawberry.lazy(".product_block_file")
] | None = None
# Add the ProductBlockGraphql type to GRAPHQL_MODELS, which skips its auto-register and used for products or product blocks dependant on it.
"ProductBlockGraphql": ProductBlockGraphql,
app.register_graphql(query=OrchestratorQuery, graphql_models=UPDATED_GRAPHQL_MODELS)
By following this example, you can effectively create the necessary GraphQL type for ProductBlock
and ensure proper registration with app.register_graphql()
. This will help you avoid any Cannot find a Strawberry Type
scenarios and enable smooth integration of domain models with GraphQL.
Scalars for Auto Registration
When working with special types such as VlanRanges
or IPv4Interface
in the core module, scalar types are essential for the auto registration process.
Scalar types enable smooth integration of these special types into the GraphQL schema, They need to be initialized and can be added with a dict to app.register_graphql(scalar_overrides={})
Here's an example of how to add a new scalar:
import strawberry
from typing import NewType
from orchestrator.graphql import SCALAR_OVERRIDES
VlanRangesType = strawberry.scalar(
NewType("VlanRangesType", str),
description="Represent the Orchestrator VlanRanges data type",
serialize=lambda v: v.to_list_of_tuples(),
parse_value=lambda v: v,
# Add the scalar to the SCALAR_OVERRIDES dictionary, with the type in the product block as the key and the scalar as the value
VlanRanges: VlanRangesType,
app.register_graphql(other_params..., scalar_overrides=UPDATED_SCALAR_OVERRIDES)
You can find more examples of scalar usage in the orchestrator/graphql/
For additional information on Scalars, please refer to the Strawberry documentation on Scalars:
By using scalar types for auto registration, you can seamlessly incorporate special types into your GraphQL schema, making it easier to work with complex data in the Orchestrator application.
Federating with Autogenerated Types
To enable federation, set the FEDERATION_ENABLED
environment variable to True
The dockerized example-orchestrator contains a working Federation setup that demonstrates how the below works in practice.
Federation allows you to federate with subscriptions using the subscriptionId
and with product blocks inside the subscription by utilizing any property that includes _id
in its name.
Below is an example of a GraphQL app that extends the SubscriptionInterface
from typing import Any
import strawberry
from starlette.applications import Starlette
from starlette.routing import Route
from strawberry.asgi import GraphQL
from uuid import UUID
class SubscriptionInterface:
subscription_id: UUID
new_value: str
async def resolve_reference(cls, **data: Any) -> "SubscriptionInterface":
if not (subscription_id := data.get("subscriptionId")):
raise ValueError(
f"Need 'subscriptionId' to resolve reference. Found keys: {list(data.keys())}"
value = new_value_resolver(subscription_id)
return SubscriptionInterface(subscription_id=subscription_id, new_value=value)
class Query:
hi: str = strawberry.field(resolver=lambda: "query for other graphql")
# Add `SubscriptionInterface` in types array.
schema = strawberry.federation.Schema(
app = Starlette(debug=True, routes=[Route("/", GraphQL(schema, graphiql=True))])
To run this example, execute the following command:
uvicorn app:app --port 4001 --host --reload
In the supergraph.yaml
file, you can federate the GraphQL endpoints together as shown below:
federation_version: 2
routing_url: https://orchestrator-graphql-endpoint
subgraph_url: https://orchestrator-graphql-endpoint
routing_url: http://localhost:4001
subgraph_url: http://localhost:4001
When both GraphQL endpoints are available, you can compose the supergraph schema using the following command:
rover supergraph compose --config ./supergraph.yaml > supergraph-schema.graphql
The command will return errors if incorrect keys or other issues are present. Then, you can run the federation with the following command:
./router --supergraph supergraph-schema.graphql
Now you can query the endpoint to obtain newValue
from all subscriptions using the payload below:
"rationName": "ExampleQuery",
"query": "query ExampleQuery {\n subscriptions {\n page {\n newValue\n }\n }\n}\n",
"variables": {}
Federating with Specific Subscriptions
To federate with specific subscriptions, you need to make a few changes. Here's an example of a specific subscription:
# `type` instead of `interface_object` and name the class exactly the same as the one in orchestrator.
class YourProductSubscription:
subscription_id: UUID
new_value: str
async def resolve_reference(cls, **data: Any) -> "SubscriptionInterface":
if not (subscription_id := data.get("subscriptionId")):
raise ValueError(
f"Need 'subscriptionId' to resolve reference. Found keys: {list(data.keys())}"
value = new_value_resolver(subscription_id)
return SubscriptionInterface(subscription_id=subscription_id, new_value=value)
Federating with Specific Subscription Product Blocks
You can also federate a ProductBlock. In this case, the subscriptionInstanceId
can be replaced with any product block property containing Id
class YourProductBlock:
subscription_instance_id: UUID
new_value: str
async def resolve_reference(cls, **data: Any) -> "YourProductBlock":
if not (subscription_id := data.get("subscriptionInstanceId")):
raise ValueError(
f"Need 'subscriptionInstanceId' to resolve reference. Found keys: {list(data.keys())}"
value = "new value"
return YourProductBlock(subscription_id=subscription_id, new_value="new value")
By following these examples, you can effectively federate autogenerated types (subscriptions
and product blocks
) enabling seamless integration across multiple GraphQL endpoints.
is a mapping to prevent pydantic field alias from being used as field names when creating strawberry types in the domain model autoregistration.
Our usecase for this is that functions decorated with pydantics @computed_field
and @property
in domain models are not converted to strawberry fields inside the strawberry types.
to add the function properties, we use a aliased pydantic field:
class ExampleProductInactive(SubscriptionModel, is_base=True):
# this aliased property is used to add `property_example` as strawberry field.
# you need a default it the value can't be `None` since it doesn't directly add the return value of property_example
aliased_property_example: Field(alias="property_example", default="")
# this computed property function does not get converted into the strawberry type.
@computed_field # type: ignore[misc]
def property_example(self) -> str:
return "example"
class ExampleProductProvisioning(
ExampleProductInactive, lifecycle=[SubscriptionLifecycle.PROVISIONING]
class ExampleProduct(ExampleProductInactive, lifecycle=[SubscriptionLifecycle.ACTIVE]):
The problem with this is that strawberry automatically uses the alias name and doesn't camelcase it so the strawberry field becomes property_example
To fix it and have camelcasing, we can prevent aliases from being used in strawberry.type using the created mapping USE_PYDANTIC_ALIAS_MODEL_MAPPING
from orchestrator.graphql.autoregistration import USE_PYDANTIC_ALIAS_MODEL_MAPPING
USE_PYDANTIC_ALIAS_MODEL_MAPPING.update({"ExampleProductSubscription": False})
which would now give us a strawberry field aliasedPropertyExample
To name it propertyExample
you can't override the function property name and have two choices.
camelcase the aliased property:
class ExampleProductInactive(SubscriptionModel, is_base=True): # this aliased property is used to add `property_example` as strawberry field. propertyExample: Field(alias="property_example")
rename the property function and name the aliased field correctly, when accessing outside of the graphql field, you do need to use
instead ofproperty_example
:class ExampleProductInactive(SubscriptionModel, is_base=True): # this aliased property is used to add `property_example` as strawberry field. property_example: Field(alias="computed_property_example") # this computed property function does not get converted into the strawberry type. @computed_field # type: ignore[misc] @property def computed_property_example(self) -> str: return "example"
Overriding Types
Overriding strawberry types can be achieved through various methods. One less desirable approach involves extending classes using class inheritance. However, this method becomes cumbersome when updating a single class, as it necessitates updating all associated types and their corresponding resolvers, essentially impacting the entire structure.
For instance, consider the scenario of overriding the CustomerType
. you would need to update the related SubscriptionInterface
, ProcessType
and their respective resolvers. due to these modifications, all their related types and resolvers would also require updates, resulting in a tedious and error-prone process.
To enhance the override process, we created a helper function override_class
to override fields. It takes the base class as well as a list of fields that will replace their counterparts within the class or add new fields.
It's worth noting that SubscriptionInterface
poses a unique challenge due to its auto-generated types. The issue arises from the fact that the models inherited from SubscriptionInterface
do not automatically update. This can be addressed by utilizing the override_class
function and incorporating the returned class into the app.register_graphql
function. This ensures that the updated class, with overridden fields, becomes the basis for generating the auto-generated models.
# Define a custom subscription interface using the `override_class` function, incorporating specified override fields.
custom_subscription_interface = override_class(SubscriptionInterface, override_fields)
# Register the customized subscription interface when setting up GraphQL in your application.
quick example (for more indebt check customerType override):
import strawberry
from orchestrator.graphql.utils.override_class import override_class
# Define a strawberry type representing an example entity
class ExampleType:
@strawberry.field(description="Existing field") # type: ignore
def existing(self) -> int:
return 1
# Define a strawberry type for example queries
@strawberry.type(description="Example queries")
class Query:
example: ExampleType = strawberry.field(resolver=lambda: ExampleType())
# Create a resolver for updating the existing field
async def update_existing_resolver() -> str:
return "updated to new type"
# Create a strawberry field with the resolver for the existing field
existing_field = strawberry.field(resolver=update_existing_resolver, description="update existing field") # type: ignore
# Assign a new name to the strawberry field; this name will override the existing field in the class = "existing"
# Create a new field with a resolver
async def new_resolver() -> int:
return 1
new_field = strawberry.field(resolver=new_resolver, description="a new field") # type: ignore
# Assign a name that is not present in the class yet = "new"
# Use the override_class function to replace fields in the ExampleType
override_class(ExampleType, [new_field, existing_field])
Overriding CustomerType and Resolvers
Within the orchestrator core, there exists a base CustomerType
designed to provide a default customer, allowing for the customization of data through environment variables.
This approach minimizes the necessity for everyone to implement custom customer logic.
Below, I present an example illustrating how to override the CustomerType
and its associated resolvers.
CustomerType Override
Here's a generic override for the CustomerType
that introduces a new subscriptions
from typing import Annotated
import strawberry
from oauth2_lib.strawberry import authenticated_field
from orchestrator.graphql.pagination import Connection
from orchestrator.graphql.schemas.customer import CustomerType
from orchestrator.graphql.schemas.subscription import (
) # noqa: F401
from orchestrator.graphql.types import GraphqlFilter, GraphqlSort, OrchestratorInfo
from orchestrator.graphql.utils.override_class import override_class
# Type annotation for better readability rather than having this directly as a return type
SubscriptionInterfaceType = Connection[
# Resolver for fetching subscriptions of a customer
async def resolve_subscriptions(
root: CustomerType,
info: OrchestratorInfo,
filter_by: list[GraphqlFilter] | None = None,
sort_by: list[GraphqlSort] | None = None,
first: int = 10,
after: int = 0,
) -> SubscriptionInterfaceType:
from orchestrator.graphql.resolvers.subscription import resolve_subscriptions
# Include the filter for the customer ID; since 'customerId' exists in the subscription, filtering updates are not required.
filter_by_customer_id = (filter_by or []) + [GraphqlFilter(field="customerId", value=str(root.customer_id))] # type: ignore
return await resolve_subscriptions(
info, filter_by_customer_id, sort_by, first, after
# Create an authenticated field for customer subscriptions
customer_subscriptions_field = authenticated_field(
resolver=resolve_subscriptions, description="Returns subscriptions of a customer"
# Assign a new name to the strawberry field; this name will add the 'subscriptions' field in the class = "subscriptions"
# Override the CustomerType with the new 'subscriptions' field
override_class(CustomerType, [customer_subscriptions_field])
CustomerType Resolver Override
In this example code, we introduce a resolver override for the CustomerType
. The scenario involves a supplementary CustomerTable
in the database, encompassing the default values of CustomerType
—namely, customer_id
, fullname
, and shortcode
import structlog
from sqlalchemy import func, select
from orchestrator.db import db
from orchestrator.db.filters import Filter
from orchestrator.db.range.range import apply_range_to_statement
from orchestrator.db.sorting import Sort
from orchestrator.graphql.pagination import Connection
from orchestrator.graphql.resolvers.helpers import rows_from_statement
from orchestrator.graphql.schemas.customer import CustomerType
from orchestrator.graphql.types import GraphqlFilter, GraphqlSort, OrchestratorInfo
from orchestrator.graphql.utils.create_resolver_error_handler import (
from orchestrator.graphql.utils.to_graphql_result_page import to_graphql_result_page
from orchestrator.utils.search_query import create_sqlalchemy_select
from your_customer_table_location.db.models import CustomerTable
# # Import custom sorting and filtering modules used with `sort_by` and `filter_by`.
# from sort_loc import sort_customers, sort_customers_fields
# from filter_loc import filter_customers, filter_customers_fields
logger = structlog.get_logger(__name__)
# Queries
def resolve_customers(
info: OrchestratorInfo,
filter_by: list[GraphqlFilter] | None = None,
sort_by: list[GraphqlSort] | None = None,
first: int = 10,
after: int = 0,
query: str | None = None,
) -> Connection[CustomerType]:
_error_handler = create_resolver_error_handler(info)
pydantic_filter_by: list[Filter] = [item.to_pydantic() for item in filter_by] if filter_by else [] # type: ignore
pydantic_sort_by: list[Sort] = [item.to_pydantic() for item in sort_by] if sort_by else [] # type: ignore
"resolve_customers() called",
range=[after, after + first],
select_stmt = select(CustomerTable)
# # Include custom filtering logic if imported
# select_stmt = filter_customers(select_stmt, pydantic_filter_by, _error_handler)
if query is not None:
stmt = create_sqlalchemy_select(
stmt = select_stmt
# # Include custom sorting logic if imported
# stmt = sort_customers(stmt, pydantic_sort_by, _error_handler)
total = db.session.scalar(select(func.count()).select_from(stmt.subquery()))
stmt = apply_range_to_statement(stmt, after, after + first + 1)
customers = rows_from_statement(stmt, CustomerTable)
graphql_customers = [
customer_id=c.customer_id, fullname=c.fullname, shortcode=c.shortcode
for c in customers
return to_graphql_result_page(
CustomerType Related Type Overrides
Having overridden the customer_resolver
and added the subscriptions
field to the CustomerType
, the final step involves updating the related strawberry types, namely SubscriptionInterface
and ProcessType
For both types, the customer_id
is at the root, allowing us to create a generic override resolver for both.
As we modify SubscriptionInterface
, it's essential to utilize the returned type (stored in the custom_subscription_interface
variable) when registering GraphQL in the application using app.register_graphql(subscription_interface=custom_subscription_interface)
async def resolve_customer(root: CustomerType) -> CustomerType:
stmt = select(CustomerTable).where(CustomerTable.customer_id == root.customer_id)
if not (customer := db.session.execute(stmt).scalars().first()):
return CustomerType(
customer_id=root.customer_id, fullname="missing", shortcode="missing"
return CustomerType(
# Create a strawberry field with the resolver for the customer field
customer_field = strawberry.field(resolver=resolve_customer, description="Returns customer of a subscription") # type: ignore
# Assign a new name to the strawberry field; this name will add the 'customer' field in the class = "customer"
# Override the SubscriptionInterface and ProcessType with the new 'customer' field
override_class(ProcessType, [customer_field])
custom_subscription_interface = override_class(SubscriptionInterface, [customer_field])
Behavior of filterBy
By default, string matching is configured for exact matches, i.e a search for 10
will return ONLY 10
and won't include 10G
or 100G
Searching can also be configured for partial matching as well, where a search for 10
would include 10G
and 100G
This can be controlled by setting the variable FILTER_BY_MODE
can be set to a value of exact
or partial
as needed.