Pydantic Forms
In the orchestrator core, the forms a user will use in the web UI are created by defining your form input elements as a class that is a subclass of the FormPage
class in the core. This allows you to write your form data for your WFO instance as simple python classes, but still have a useful form rendered in the frontend Web UI. This is achieved by using the library pydantic-forms. One benefit of this model is that it lets WFO developers not have to understand much about frontend technologies to build complex form structures. It's definitely worth poking around in that module to see the various input types the core library exposes.
Form Examples
Importing Form Elements
To use the pydantic forms, you must import the FormPage
from orchestrator.forms import FormPage, ReadOnlyField
Additionally, the validators module exposes validators that also function as "input type widgets". Here is an example of importing some of the built-in validators for use in a workflow:
from orchestrator.forms.validators import CustomerId, choice_list, Choice
You can, of course, define you own validators as well simply by using pydantic validators, as described in the pydantic documentation.
Writing Forms
Writing forms is quite straight forward, here is a relatively simple input form:
equipment = get_planned_equipment() # grab available equipment from inventory system
choices = [f"{eq['name']}" for eq in equipment]
EquipmentList = choice_list(
Choice("EquipmentEnum", zip(choices, choices)),
class CreateNodeEnrollmentForm(FormPage):
class Config:
title = product_name
customer_id: CustomerId = ReadOnlyField(CustomerId(DEFAULT_ORG_UUID))
select_node_choice: EquipmentList
# Don't call like this CreateNodeEnrollmentForm() or you'll
# get a vague error.
user_input = yield CreateNodeEnrollmentForm
The only real data gathered with this form are customer_id
, which is read-only, so the user cannot modify it, and the form exposes a list of devices pulled from a network inventory system for the user to choose from.
Choice Widgets
Of note: min_items
and max_items
do not refer to the number of elements in the list. This UI construct allows for an arbitrary number of choices to be made. There are +
and -
options exposed in the UI allowing for multiple choices selected by the user. So min 1 / max 1
tells the UI to display one pull down list of choices one of which must be selected, and additional choices can not be added.
If one defined something like min 1 / max 3
it would display one pulldown box by default and expose a +
element in the UI. The user could click on it to arbitrarily add a second or a third pulldown list. min 0
would not display any list by default but the user could use +
to add some, etc.
Since multiple choices are allowed, the results are returned as a list even if there is only a single choice element:
eq_name = user_input.select_node_choice[0]
The zip()
maneuver takes the list and makes it into a dict with the same keys and values so that the display text doesn't have to be the same as the value returned.
Accept Actions
Confirming actions is a common bit of functionality. This bit of code displays a read only payload from an external system, lets the user check that value and then approve that the payload is correct as a form of a dry run:
from orchestrator.forms import FormPage, ReadOnlyField
from orchestrator.forms.validators import Accept, LongText
def confirm_dry_run_results(dry_run_results: str) -> State:
class ConfirmDryRun(FormPage):
nso_dry_run_results: LongText = ReadOnlyField(dry_run_results)
confirm_dry_run_results: Accept
user_input = yield ConfirmDryRun
return user_input
Generic Python Types
It is possible to mix generic python types in the with the defined validation fields:
class CreateLightPathForm(FormPage):
class Config:
title = product_name
customer_id: CustomerId
contact_persons: ContactPersonList = [] # type: ignore
ticket_id: JiraTicketId = "" # type: ignore
service_ports: ListOfTwo[ServicePort] # type: ignore
service_speed: bandwidth("service_ports") # type: ignore # noqa: F821
speed_policer: bool = False
remote_port_shutdown: bool = True
Multi-step Form Input
To do a multistep form in your workflow, you simply yield multiple times and then combine the results at the end:
def initial_input_form_generator(product: UUIDstr, product_name: str) -> FormGenerator:
class CreateNodeForm(FormPage):
class Config:
title = product_name
customer_id: CustomerId = ReadOnlyField(CustomerId(SURFNET_NETWORK_UUID))
location_code: LocationCode
ticket_id: JiraTicketId = "" # type:ignore
user_input = yield CreateNodeForm
class NodeIdForm(SubmitFormPage):
class Config:
title = product_name
ims_node_id: ims_node_id(
user_input.location_code, node_status="PL"
) # type:ignore # noqa: F821
user_input_node = yield NodeIdForm
return {**user_input.dict(), **user_input_node.dict()}
For multistep forms especially, it can be useful to use the orchestrator.forms.SubmitFormPage
class, which is just a subclass of orchestrator.forms.FormPage
that has some metadata informing the frontend that this form is the last page in the flow so it can style the submit button differently. This is entirely optional.
Custom Form Fields
You can create a custom field component in the frontend. The components in orchestrator-gui/src/lib/uniforms-surfnet/src
can be used to study reference implementations for a couple of custom form field types.
For it to show up in the form, you have to do 2 things, a pydantic type/class in the backend and add the component to the AutoFieldLoader.tsx
as an example I will create a custom field with name field and group select field.
Pydantic Type/Class In Backend
Create a pydantic type/class.
from uuid import UUID
class ChooseUser(str):
group_id: UUID # type:ignore
def __modify_schema__(cls, field_schema: dict[str, Any]) -> None:
uniforms: dict[str, Any] = {}
if cls.group_id:
uniforms["groupId"] = cls.group_id
field_schema.update(format="ChooseUser", uniforms=uniforms)
And add it to a form:
def initial_input_form_generator(product: UUIDstr, product_name: str) -> FormGenerator:
class ChoseUserForm(FormPage):
class Config:
title = product_name
user: ChooseUser
user_input = yield ChoseUserForm
To prefill the user_id, you need to add the value to the prop, for prefilling the group_id you need to create a new class:
def user_choice(group_id: int | None = None) -> type:
namespace = {"group_id": group_id}
return new_class(
"ChooseUserValue", (ChooseUser,), {}, lambda ns: ns.update(namespace)
def initial_input_form_generator(product: UUIDstr, product_name: str) -> FormGenerator:
class ChoseUserForm(FormPage):
class Config:
title = product_name
user: user_choice("group_id_1") = "user_id_1"
user_input = yield ChoseUserForm
Auto Field Loader
The auto field loader is for loading the correct field component in the form. It has switches that check the field type and the field format. You have to add your new form field here.
for this example, we would need to add to a ChooseUser
case to the String switch:
import ChooseUserField from "custom/uniforms/ChooseUserField";
export function autoFieldFunction(props: GuaranteedProps<unknown> & Record<string, any>, uniforms: Context<unknown>) {
const { allowedValues, checkboxes, fieldType, field } = props;
const { format } = field;
switch (fieldType) {
case String:
switch (format) {
case "ChooseUser":
return ChooseUserField;
Custom Field Example
example custom field to select a user by group.
import { EuiFlexItem, EuiFormRow, EuiText } from "@elastic/eui";
import { FieldProps } from "lib/uniforms-surfnet/src/types";
import React, { useCallback, useContext, useEffect, useState } from "react";
import { WrappedComponentProps, injectIntl } from "react-intl";
import ReactSelect, { SingleValue } from "react-select";
import { getReactSelectTheme } from "stylesheets/emotion/utils";
import { connectField, filterDOMProps } from "uniforms";
import ApplicationContext from "utils/ApplicationContext";
import { Option } from "utils/types";
import { css } from "@emotion/core";
export const ChoosePersonFieldStyling = css` {
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
flex-wrap: wrap; {
width: 50%;
div.user-select {
width: 50%;
padding-left: 5px;
interface Group {
id: string;
name: string;
interface User {
id: string;
name: string;
age: number;
export type ChooseUserFieldProps = FieldProps<
groupId?: string;
} & WrappedComponentProps
const groupToOption = (group: Group): Option => {
return {
label: `${, 8)} ${}`,
const userToOption = (user: User): Option => {
return {
label: `${} (${user.age})`,
declare module "uniforms" {
interface FilterDOMProps {
groupId: never;
function ChoosePerson({
}: ChooseUserFieldProps) {
const { apiClient, customApiClient, theme } = useContext(ApplicationContext);
const [groups, setGroups] = useState<Group[]>([]);
const [selectedGroupId, setGroupId] = useState<number | string | undefined>(groupId);
const [users, setUsers] = useState<User[]>([]);
const [loading, setLoading] = useState(true);
const onChangeGroup = useCallback(
(option: SingleValue<Option>) => {
let value = option?.value;
if (value === undefined) return;
// do api call to get users by group id and set users with the fetched data.
setTimeout(() => {
let users = [{ id: "user_id_1", name: "user 1", age: 25 }, { id: "user_id_2", name: "user 2", age: 30 }]
if (value == "group_id_2") {
users = [{ id: "user_id_3", name: "user 3", age: 35 }]
} else if (value == "group_id_3") {
users = [{ id: "user_id_4", name: "user 4", age: 40 }, { id: "user_id_5", name: "user 5", age: 45 }]
}, 1000)
useEffect(() => {
// do api call to get groups for the first select.
setTimeout(() => {
{ id: "group_id_1", name: "group 1" },
{ id: "group_id_2", name: "group 2" },
{ id: "group_id_3", name: "group 3" }
if (groupId) {
onChangeGroup({ value: groupId } as Option);
}, 1000)
}, [onChangeGroup, apiClient, groupId]);
// use i18n translations.
const groupsPlaceholder = loading ? "Loading..." : "Select a group";
const userPlaceholder = loading ? "Loading..." : selectedGroupId ? "Select a user" : "Select a group first";
const group_options: Option[] = (groups as Group[])
.sort((x, y) => x.label.localeCompare(y.label));
const group_value = group_options.find((option) => option.value === selectedGroupId?.toString());
const user_options: Option<string>[] = users
.sort((x, y) => x.label.localeCompare(y.label));
const user_value = user_options.find((option) => option.value === value);
const customStyles = getReactSelectTheme(theme);
return (
<EuiFlexItem css={ChoosePersonFieldStyling}>
<section {...filterDOMProps(props)}>
labelAppend={<EuiText size="m">{description}</EuiText>}
error={showInlineError ? errorMessage : false}
<section className="group-user">
<div className="group-select">
<EuiFormRow label="Group" id={`${id}.group`} fullWidth>
<ReactSelect<Option, false>
isDisabled={disabled || readOnly || groups.length === 0}
<div className="user-select">
<EuiFormRow label="User" id={id} fullWidth>
<ReactSelect<Option<string>, false>
onChange={(selected) => {
isDisabled={disabled || readOnly || users.length === 0}
export default connectField(injectIntl(ChoosePerson), { kind: "leaf" });