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Prepare source folder

Folder layout

The suggested folder layout of your own orchestrator implementation is as follows:

├── migrations
│   └── versions
│       └── schema
├── products
│   ├── product_blocks
│   └── product_types
├── translations
└── workflows

Some of the orchestrator-core functionality relies on the source folder being a valid Git repository.

Migrations folder and local Alembic head

The migrations folder is created when running python db ini. This folder is used to store the local Alembic database migrations. The orchestrator-core package also contains Alembic database migrations, the Alembic head in the core is labeled schema. The local Alembic head should be labeled data.

When you already have product(s), workflow(s) or product template(s) defined, the local Alembic head can be created by running either python db migrate-domain-models, python db migrate-workflows, or python generate migration, these commands will detect a missing data head and will add one automatically. Please refer to the command-line documentation for more information on these commands.

Or a handcrafted local migration can be added to the migrations/versions/schema folder using the following as template:

"""Create data head.

Revision ID: 9cbc348cc1dc
Create Date: 2023-10-19T10:51:44.368621

import sqlalchemy as sa
from alembic import op

# revision identifiers, used by Alembic.
revision = "9cbc348cc1dc"
down_revision = None
branch_labels = ("data",)
depends_on = "da5c9f4cce1c"

def upgrade() -> None:

def downgrade() -> None:

The depends_on version ID should point to the current schema head.

To check the correct configuration of the local Alembic head, run the follwoing command:

python db heads

The output should be similar to this (except for the version ID's):

27571992ebfb (data) (head)
da5c9f4cce1c (schema) (effective head)

Or have a look at the Alembic migration version history with:

python db history

That will display somthing like this:

<base> (da5c9f4cce1c) -> 9cbc348cc1dc (data), Create data head.
165303a20fb1 -> da5c9f4cce1c (schema) (effective head), Add subscription metadata to fulltext search index.
a09ac125ea73 -> 165303a20fb1 (schema), customer_id to VARCHAR.
b1970225392d -> a09ac125ea73 (schema), Add throttling to refresh_subscriptions_view trigger.
e05bb1967eff -> b1970225392d (schema), Add subscription metadata workflow.
bed6bc0b197a -> e05bb1967eff (schema), Add Subscriptions search view.
19cdd3ab86f6 -> bed6bc0b197a (schema), rename_parent_and_child_block_relations.
6896a54e9483 -> 19cdd3ab86f6 (schema), fix_parse_websearch.
3c8b9185c221 -> 6896a54e9483 (schema), Add product_block_relations.
3323bcb934e7 -> 3c8b9185c221 (schema), Add task_validate_products.
a76b9185b334 -> 3323bcb934e7 (schema), Fix tsv triggers.
c112305b07d3 -> a76b9185b334 (schema), Add generic workflows to core.
<base> -> c112305b07d3 (schema), Initial schema migration.

Products, workflows and translations folders

The products, workflows and translations folders are either created by hand, or when the python generate --help commands are used in combination with product templates, will be created automatically.