Base application
By following these steps you can start a bare orchestrator application that can be used to run workflows. This app runs as a standalone API with workflows loaded that can be run in the background. Similar to a Framework like FastAPI, Flask and Django, you install the core library, initialise it with configuration and run. The orchestrator-core contains:
- Workflow engine
- Database
The Orchestrator-core is designed to be installed and extended just like a FastAPI or Flask application. For more information about how this works read the Reference documentation.
Step 1 - Install the package:
Install the core.
$ pip install orchestrator-core
---> 100%
Successfully installed orchestrator-core
Step 2 - Setup the database:
Create a postgres database:
$ createuser -sP nwa
$ createdb orchestrator-core -O nwa
Step 3 - Create the
Create a
from orchestrator import OrchestratorCore
from orchestrator.cli.main import app as core_cli
from orchestrator.settings import AppSettings
app = OrchestratorCore(base_settings=AppSettings())
if __name__ == "__main__":
Step 4 - Run the database migrations:
Initialize the migration environment.
$ PYTHONPATH=. python db init
$ PYTHONPATH=. python db upgrade heads
Step 5 - Run the app
$ uvicorn --reload --host --port 8080 main:app
INFO: Uvicorn running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
INFO: Started reloader process [62967] using watchgod
ujson module not found, using json
msgpack not installed, MsgPackSerializer unavailable
2021-09-28 09:42:14 [warning ] Database object configured, all methods referencing `db` should work. [orchestrator.db]
INFO: Started server process [62971]
2021-09-28 09:42:14 [info ] Started server process [62971] [uvicorn.error]
INFO: Waiting for application startup.
2021-09-28 09:42:14 [info ] Waiting for application startup. [uvicorn.error]
INFO: Application startup complete.
2021-09-28 09:42:14 [info ] Application startup complete. [uvicorn.error]
Step 6 - Profit

Visit the app to view the api documentation.