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Orchestrator Framework

The Workflow Orchestrator program contains multiple components for both the frontend and backend, as shown below:



Orchestrator Core

The orchestrator-core component is an opensource backend component, which defines the ruleset for product modeling and workflows. The orchestrator-core is a mandatory component to have a functional workflow orchestrator application. This component is written in Python and makes use fo the Fastapi framework. The orchestrator-core repo can be found here. The orchestrator-core cannot be run standalone, as it contains no definition of any products and workflows.

Workflow Orchestrator

The Workflow Orchestrator is the custom implementation of the orchestrator backend. It is the application which defines all your products, workflows and tasks to create/modify/terminate/validate your product instances, the so-called subscriptions. All product modelling, tasks/wokflows and subscription details are stored in the orchestrator-coredb which is part of the orchestrator-core package. This custom implementation of the workflow orchestrator uses the orchestrator-core as sub-module.

With the two backend components set up correctly, you'll have a running Workflow Orchestrator instance accessible via the API. Additionally, with minimal effort, you can have a fully functional frontend application running on top of it.

Example Orchestrator

An example of the Workflow Orchestrator using the orchestrator-core with some example products and workflow are available here.


Workflow Orchestrator UI library

The Workflow Orchestrator UI can also be split into 2 major components. A frontend library called the components orchestrator-ui library as available on npm. And the out-of-the-box Workflow Orchestrator UI, which uses the npm library in it's pages. The example of this frontend is the example-orchestrator-ui and can be found here and running instance can be found here. In most cases the example orchestrator is the best deployment model to start with, as is contains a fully functional userinterface, while you can focus your effort on developing products, workflows and tasks.

More advanced UI deployment models

By tweaking the example-orchestrator-ui it is possible to easily add extra pages, cards on dashboard page, or change the rending of certain resource type. Examples of the possible changes is shown here . This will leverage the default architecture, like shown below:


Another approach could be to use individual components from the npm library and build your own application or integrate the components in an existing application.